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Port Monitor Help


Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.

Create a Port Monitor Project

Monitor a Port Monitor Project

Frequent Port Search



- Create a Port Monitor Project -


The Port Monitor function allows you to create a project by uploading a list of TNs and specifying project parameters.  Port PS monitors the list of uploaded TNs and notifies you when any of the numbers are ported.


To create a Port Monitor Project:


  1.  Open the Create a Port Monitor Project  screen by clicking Port Monitor > Create a Port Monitor Project  from the NSP Home  page.

  2. Look at the TN counter on the page.  The TN counter displays the following:
    • Contracted Limit:   The number of Telephone Numbers which may be monitored at one time, in one month, across all active projects in your account.
    • Current Count:   The number of Telephone Numbers which are currently being monitored across all active projects in your account.
    • Max TNs allowed in this project:   The difference between the Contracted Limit and the Current Count of TNs.  This value shows the maximum number of Telephone Numbers which may be monitored in the project you are creating. 


    Note :  If you want to monitor more Telephone Numbers than are available for the project, you must first delete one of the other active monitor projects.  See Monitor a Port Monitor Project .

  3. Enter a Project Name  for the project.  Enter a descriptive name for the project, because this will be the best way to identify the project later.

  4. Upload the list of telephone numbers to be monitored by browsing to the location of the file.  Important :  You cannot create a project which monitors more telephone numbers than are available in the Max TNs allowed in this project  field in the TN counter.
    • A single file may not contain more than 5 million Telephone numbers
    • The file must be saved as a .csv or .txt file
    • The file must be a single column of telephone numbers with no  header

  5. Select the Alert Frequency  for the project.  The Alert Frequency  determines how often you get notified when telephone numbers in your project port. 
    • If you choose the Immediate  option, you will be notified via email every time a port occurs on one of the telephone numbers being monitored. 
    • If you choose any option other than immediate notification, any ports taking place will be stored and listed in a single email communication sent upon your selected frequency. 

  6. Click Create Project  to initiate the project and begin monitoring the telephone numbers in the project. The telephone numbers in the project will be monitored continuously until you delete the project.  See Monitor a Port Monitor Project .

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- Monitor a Port Monitor Project -


To see the active Port Monitor Projects in your account or to stop a Port Monitor project from running, use the Monitor Port Monitor Projects  function.

See a list of Active Projects

Delete a Project


To see active Port Monitor Projects:


  1. Open the Port Monitor Projects screen by clicking Port Monitor > Monitor Port Monitor Projects  from the NSP Home  page.

  2. The Port Monitor Projects table displays all Port Monitor Projects which are currently running for your account.  The following information is displayed for each project:

    ID A unique ID automatically assigned to your project.
    Project The name of the project assigned by the creator of the project.
    Submitter The user ID of the person who created and submitted the project.
    # TNs in Project The # of telephone numbers being monitored in the project.
    Status The status of the Project
    Most Recent Run The date/time of the most recent execution of the monitoring process for the project.
    Delete A link allowing the user to stop the project from running and remove the project from the Active list. See To Delete a Project.


To Delete a Project:


  1. Open the Port Monitor Projects screen by clicking Port Monitor > Monitor Port Monitor Projects  from the NSP Home  page.

  2. Locate the Project name you want to delete using the Project  column.

  3. In the Delete  column for the desired project, click the "Delete" link.  Confirm the delete request.  This project will no longer be displayed in the Active Project list and is no longer monitoring telephone numbers. 


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- Frequent Port Search -  


The Frequent Port Search function identifies all numbers which have ported a specified number of times over a specified period of time. The service returns a list of telephone numbers meeting the criteria and displays information about each port.

To initiate a Frequent Port Search:


  1. Open the Frequent Port Search  screen by clicking Port Monitor > Frequent Port Search  from the NSP Home  page.

  2. Select a value from the drop down for the Port Volume greater than or equal to  parameter. Port Monitor will search for any telephone number which has ported more than or equal to the number selected.

  3. Select a value from the drop down for the Ports occurring within the : timeframe parameter. Port Monitor will look for ports within the selected timeframe.

  4. Click the Search  button to initiate the search using the selected parameters and to display the results on the screen or  click Export  to initiate the search using the selected parameters and export the results to a file without displaying them to the screen first.

  5. The results are displayed in a table below the search parameters or exported to a file. The following data is displayed about each ported telephone number.

    Phone Number The Phone number which has ported.
    Date The date or dates of all porting events in the selected time frame for the phone number.
    Owner The owner of the phone number.>
    • For Ported, Pooled, or pLRN numbers, the phone number owner is displayed.
    • For Native numbers, the Code level owner is displayed.
    Parent Owner The larger entity of the phone number owner, if applicable.
    • For Ported, Pooled, or pLRN numbers, the phone number owner is displayed.
    • For Native numbers, the Code level owner is displayed.
    Tech Indicator Displays the type of carrier; Wireless, Wireline, VOIP, etc.  This value is self-identified by the carrier.  It is not an identifier of the device or the actual telephone number.


    (Local Routing Number)

    Displays the first 6 digits of the number's LRN.
    • If the LRN is populated with all zeros (000000) the number is a pLRN
    • If the LRN is blank, it is a Native number.


  6. To export results displayed on the screen, click the Export  button.


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