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Port PS Account Administrator Help

Port PS provides several administrator functions that enable you to manage users and monitor the use of Port PS at your organization. 

To use the Administrator Functions, select an administrator function by selecting the desired function from the Port PS Account Administration widget on the home screen.


The following Port PS Administrator functions are available. Click the link to see help for the topic.

Manage Profile

Manage Departments

Manage Current Users

Create New Users


Apply Additional Fields Masks




- Manage Profile - 

The Manage Profile function provides a summary of the contracted services on your account and the saved contact and NPAC profile information on your account.  It also provides the ability to update high level information about your company, including contact, region, SPID and OCN information. 

Click the link to see help for the topic.

Contracted Services

Contact Information

NPAC Profile


- Contracted Services- 

A summary of the contracted services on your account are displayed on the Company Profile  screen in a read only section titled Contracted Services . You may access contract documentation or request an upgrade for additional Port PS services on this page.


The following data is shown for each serviced turned on in the account:


Contract Expiration The expiration date of the Service Agreement for the service.
Auto-Renew A Yes/No value indicating whether the Service Agreement is set to auto-renew on a monthly basis after the expiration date.  When Auto-renew is On (set to yes), the expiration date for the Contract may display as expired, however the Service Agreement is acting as renewed on a month to month basis.
Max Transactions per Month

Max Transactions per Month  is only displayed for transaction based services: Port PS Basic, Port PS API

This value represents the contracted threshold number of transactions which may be made in the service without overages per month as per the Service Agreement.  You may be allowed to go over this maximum, however an overage fee will be applied to each transaction.

Current  Transaction Count

Current Transaction Count  is only displayed for transaction based services: Port PS Basic, Port PS API

This value represents the number of transactions used in the service to date.  Current Transaction Counts are updated daily and are current only as of the previous day.   This number resets to 0 each month.  A comparison of this value to the Max Transactions per month value is a good indicator of whether or not your company will incur overage charges that month.

The Service Specific Contact for the account and/or the Account Administrators for the account will receive an informational email when your account has reached 75% of the maximum number of transactions allowed for the  month with out overages, as per the Service Agreement.

Max Users

Max Users  is only displayed for services with a contracted Number of Users limitation:  Query Manager, RIMS, Number Analyzer, Number Forecaster

This value represents the number of users allowed to be assigned permission to the service based on the Service Agreement.


To view documents associated to your account:

  1. Click the View/Export Contracts  button. This opens the Documents screen.
  2. To open or download a document, click on the document Name   link for the document you want to open.  If there are no documents associated with your account, the table will be empty.


To obtain or request additional information about other Port PS Services:

  1. Click the What Other Services Are Available Through NSP?  link. This opens the Numbering Solutions Page  which contains a short description of all Port PS Services.
  2. Click the I'm Interested! Send me a Quote  checkbox next to all the services you would like more information on.
  3. Enter the Name of the person who should be contacted with information about the new services.
  4. Enter the Email address of the person who should be contacted with information about the new services.
  5. Enter the Phone number of the person who should be contacted with information about the new services.
  6. Click Submit .  Your request will be submitted to Neustar and an Account Manager will contact the designated contacted on your request with details about the requested services.


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- Contact Information - 

There are three (3) sections on the Contact Information  section of the Company Profile  screen.  The following information is displayed:


Primary Contact Information
  • Company Name:   Your organization's name.
  • Primary Contact Name:   The name of the primary Port PS contact for your organization. This field is required and must contain a value.
  • Primary Contact Title:  The title of the primary Port PS contact for your organization.  This field is required and must contain a value.
  • Primary Contact Phone:   The phone number of the primary Port PS contact for your organization.  This field is required and must contain a value.
  • Primary Contact Email Address:  The email address of the primary Port PS contact for your organization.  This field is required and must contain a value.
Billing Contact
  • Name : The name of the billing contact for your organization.
  • Title : The title of the billing contact for your organization.
  • Phone : The phone number of the billing contact for your organization.
  • Email Address:  The email address of the billing contact for your organization.
  • Fax :  The fax number of the billing contact for your organization.
  • Mailing Address:   The billing mailing address for your organization.  This value is part of the Service Agreement and is not editable through this screen.  To edit this field, an authorized representative must contact Neustar.
Service Contact

This section may contain one designated contact per service at your organization who will be contacted, by Neustar with service related communications.  The expectation is that this contact can disseminate information to users of the service at your company as necessary.  Neustar encourages you to provide a designated contact for each service.  This contact should be a user of the service.

  • Name :  The name of the designated service contact
  • Email Address :  The email address of the designated service contact. 
  • Service :  The service


To update a field in any of these sections,

  1. Click the Edit button in the desired section.
  2. ALWAYS select the desired service first, before making edits to the name or email address.  Put the cursor in the field and edit the value. 
  3. Click Update  to save the edits made.


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- NPAC Profile -

This section displays the approved NPAC Profile, including Regions, SPIDs, and OCNs when applicable for your Port PS account.


NPAC Information
  • NPAC Regions:   A list of the NPAC regions your organization does business in.
  • NPAC SPIDs:   A list of the SPIDs belonging to your organization. 
  • OCNs:   A list of OCNs belonging to your organization.


To make an update to the NPAC Profile, click the Update Profile  button to open the edit screen.

  1. To update a field, put the cursor in the field and edit the value. 
    •  To add Regions, click the checkbox to include.  To remove Regions, uncheck the checkbox.
    •  SPIDs must be separated by commas or carriage returns.  Do not include spaces. 
    •  OCNs must be separated by commas or carriage returns.  Do not include spaces.
  2. Click Submit Profile Update Request  to submit the edits made to the company profile to Neustar for validation and approval.


Note :  Changes to NPAC Information  are sent to the Neustar Port PS Administrator for approval.  When the changes have been reviewed and approved by the Port PS Administrator, you receive an email informing you of the approval and the Company Profile  screen reflects the updates requested.  If the Port PS administrator rejects the updates, you will be notified via email.  Important :  Once you leave this screen, you will not see NPAC changes reflected in the system until the changes have been approved.


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- Manage Departments - 

The Manage Departments function provides the ability to do the following functions.  Click the link to go directly to a Manage departments topic.


Port PS does not use department information in its processing.  This optional function is available to help you manage your users.

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- Create Departments -

To create a department:

  1. On the Create  Departments  screen, enter the name of the department in the Department Name  field. 
  2. Click Add  to create the department. 
  3. Adding the first department creates a new section called Current Departments .  The Current Departments  section allows you to assign or re-assign existing users to the new departments. Once one department exists, this section is always displayed.
  4. The Current Departments  section lists all departments that have been created and the users that have been assigned to the departments.  It also lists the users that have not been assigned to a department.
  5. To exit the Create Department  screen, select another administrative function from the menu bar.


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- Assign/Re-assign Users to a Department -  

To assign or re-assign users to a department:

  1. On the Create  Departments  screen, select the user names you want to assign to a single department by checking the checkbox next to the name. You may check multiple names at a time in different departments or with no department; however, they will all be assigned to the same department.
  2. Select the department you want the checked names to be assigned/re-assigned to by choosing a department from the dropdown list in Move selected users to department:.  The dropdown list contains the departments that have been created for your organization and a "No Department" option.
  3. To exit the Create Department  screen, select another administrative function from the menu bar.


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- Delete a Department -  

To delete a department:

  1. On the Create  Departments  screen, click on the [X]  next to the department you want to delete. Deleting a department that has users assigned to it causes all users under that department to be re-assigned to No Department. 
  2. A message box opens to confirm you want to delete the department.  Click OK  to delete the department.
  3. To exit the Create Department  screen, select another administrative or query function from the menu bar.


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- Manage Current Users -

The Manage Current Users function provides the ability to:


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- User Summary -

On the Manage User Accounts  screen, the User Summary  section displays the following summary information about the users.


Total Users

Active Users The total number of Active Users on the account.
Inactive Users The total number in Inactive Users on the account.
Account Administrators The number of Active Users on the account who have been given Account Administrator permissions.


Users by Service and Role

This section displays a summary of the users with permission to access specific services or user roles.  For each service on your account, a summary of the total number of users with permission to use the service and any user role associated with the service is displayed. The following information is displayed for each Service.

Assigned The total number of users assigned permission to use the Service.
Max Allowed The total number of users allowed to be assigned permission to use the service, as per the signed Service Agreement. This value is only displayed if there is a maximum limit on the number of users allowed to use the service.
<User Role> Assigned The total number of users assigned to a given user role within the service.


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- Update the Level of Access (Permissions) a User has within Port PS -  

The Current User and Permissions section on the Manage Current Users   screen contains a table with 2 tabs displaying information about the current user set up in Port PS and the permissions for each user.   This section contains information on how to update a user's permissions.  For information on how to update other information about a user, go to section Update User Information.

The Permissions tab  contains the following information: 

Name The Name of the User
Login ID Displays the login ID of the user.
User Roles/Access level permissions

The access level permissions. A column for each user role available to your company is displayed.  Each column displays a checkbox for each user indicating if the user has access to perform those functions.  Available functions are:

  • Admin :  Administrative Functions in Port PS
  • <User Role> : A column for every available user role accessible to your company is displayed in the table. 


To update the access level permissions:

  1. Go to Manage Current Users, Current User and Permissions section
  2. Click the Permission tab. 
  3. Locate the name/login ID of the person whose access you want to update.
  4. Click the checkbox under the desired user role.  Marking a box as checked gives the user access to perform that function.  Unchecking a box removes access to perform that function.
  5. A notification window will appear informing you of the update you made. 


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- Update User Information -

The Current User and Permissions section on the Manage Current Users   screen contains a table with 2 tabs displaying information about the current user set up in Port PS and the permissions for each user.  This section contains information on how to update general user information including a user password.  For information on how to update a user's permissions/user roles, go to section Update the Level of Access (permissions) a User has within Port PS.

The User tab  contains the following information: 

Name   Displays the user name.
Department   Displays the department the user is assigned to.  If no department is assigned, this field is blank.
Login ID   Displays the login ID of the user.
Action function   Displays a link called Update . Clicking this link opens the Update User   screen where user characteristics may be updated.
Status   Displays whether the user has been marked as Active or Inactive in Port PS.  A user that has been marked as Inactive cannot login to Port PS.
Last Login  

The date the user last logged in to Port PS.

  • The date is in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.


Created   The date the user ID was created in Port PS.
Delete function   Displays a link called Delete . Clicking this link allows you to delete a user from Port PS.


To update user characteristics:

1.  Locate the user you want to update in the Current Users and Permissions table and click Update  in the Action  column.  The Update User  screen opens.

 The Update User  screen contains the following information:

Login ID, Name The login ID and Name may not be updated.  Current values are displayed.
Department To update the department, select a value from the Department  drop down list.  To remove a user from all departments, use the Manage Departments function
Status The Status  of a user ID in Port PS indicates whether that user ID may log in to Port PS.  A user ID set to Inactive cannot login to Port PS.  To change the status of the user, select Active  or Inactive  from the dropdown list.


2.  Review all data elements on the Update User  screen for accuracy and click Update User  to save the changes made to the Update User  screen.

3.  Click Cancel  to cancel the changes made to the Update User  screen and return to the Manage Current Users  screen without making any changes. 


To Update a User Password

To update a user's password, click the Reset Password  button. A temporary password will be automatically emailed to the login ID of the user.  If the login ID for the user is not a valid email address, the user should call Neustar and request a password reset for a login ID that is not a valid email address.


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- Delete a User from Port PS -

Performing this Delete a User  function will permanently remove the user from Port PS.  If you want to inactivate the user temporarily (i.e. take away access, but not remove the user from the system), update the user characteristics and set the Status of the user to Inactive.

To delete a user from Port PS:

  1. In the Current User Accounts  table, locate the user ID you want to delete using the Name column. 
  2. Click the Delete  link for the user.  A confirmation box opens to confirm that you want to delete the user. 
  3. Click OK  to delete the user.


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- Download a List of Users -

To download a list of users and their access levels:

  1. Click the Download Users  button above the Users table.
  2. Specify where to save the report


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- Create New Users -

The Create New Users  function provides the ability to add new Port PS users, giving them a user ID, and password.  You may also assign the user to a department.

To create new users:

1.  In the Login ID  column, enter a login ID for the new user.

  • This field is a required field.  You must assign the user a login ID.

2.  In the Name  column, add a name for the user.

  • This field is a required field.  You must give the user a name.


3.  Optionally, select a Department  from the dropdown list. 

4.  Follow steps above to add each new user on a new line in the table.  Click Add Users  to create the new Port PS user IDs. A temporary password will automatically be emailed to each new login ID added. 

 Note :  You may only add 5 users at a time.  To add more than 5 users, complete the steps for the first 5 then open the Add Users  screen again using the Request New Users  function and continue adding users.

5.  From the Manage Current Users  screen, assign access rights to the new user(s). 


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- Reports -

This function provides administrative reports to help you manage your account. 

Click the link to see help for the topic. 

Usage Summary Report

SLA Report


- Usage Summary Report -

The Usage Summary Reports  function provides the ability to:


  • Get a summary count, for each of the Port PS modules by month or a specific date range, on
    • How many queries were run
    • How many TNs, blocks, or codes were returned in the query
  • Identify which users are running the queries and the summary counts for each user.
  • To download the User Counts Report


To execute the Usage Summary Report:

1.  On the Usage Report  screen select the time frame to execute the report on by selecting a specific month or by entering a date range.


Specific Month To choose a specific month for the report, select By Month  and select a month and year using the dropdown list.
Date Range

To enter a date range for the report, select By Date Range  and enter a date.

  • The date format MUST  be MM/DD/YYYY or the report will not produce correct results. 


2.  Select the type of report to execute from the Report Type  dropdown.


Summary Select Summary  to get summary counts of the number of queries, TNs, Blocks, or Codes by Port PS service.
Summary plus User counts Select Summary plus User Counts  to get summary counts of the number of queries, TNs, Blocks, or Codes by Port PS service type and to get the information broken out by user.


3.  Click Get Report  to generate the report. 

4.  The Summary Counts  report provides a summary count of the number of queries in each of the following categories that were executed in the selected month or date range. 

Basic Search Queries The total number of TN, Block or Code Queries performed.
Basic Search Transactions The total number of transactions returned in all the queries performed through the GUI.
Web Service Queries The total number of queries performed through the API.
Web Service (API) Transactions The total number of transactions returned in all the API queries that were performed. 
Query Manager Projects The number of query projects created.
Query Manager Results The number of result outputs executed from the projects.


The User Counts  report is displayed below the Summary Counts  report.  It displays the User Name, Department, and Login ID of every user who has run a query in Port PS.  If the user is not in this report, they have not run any queries.  For each user, the following data is presented: 


Basic Queries The number of Basic Queries executed.
Basic Transactions The number of transactions returned in Basic Queries executed via the GUI.
API Transactions The number of transactions returned in the Queries executed via the API.
API Queries The number of API queries executed.
QM Projects The number of Query Manager projects executed.
QM Results The number of Query Manager queries executed.  


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- Download the User Counts Report -

To download the User Counts  report to an excel spreadsheet:

  1. Click Download User Counts .  A message box opens asking the user if they want to open or save the file.
  2. The exported file contains the same information as the User Count  report displayed on screen.
  3. To exit the Usage Summary Report  screen, select another administrative or query function from the menu bar. 


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- SLA Reports -

The SLA Report shows Port PS Service downtime.  You may run the report by month.

To access an SLA report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select SLA Reports .
  2. Select the Period .
  3. Click Download .


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- Apply Additional Fields Masks -

This function requires special permissions in Port PS.  To learn more about Additional Fields functionality or to gain access to this function, contact [email protected].  

The Additional Fields function provides the ability to:

  •  Apply a Column Heading Mask in Port PS to several NPAC fields so the column header displayed in Port PS reflects the name of that field at your company. The mask you apply will be displayed wherever the field is displayed in Port PS (for users with access to this functionality).
  • Apply a Field Value Mask to the values stored in masked NPAC fields so the field displays the description of the value at your company (for users with access to this functionality).


Click a link below to go directly to help for the topic.

Apply a Column Heading Mask

Apply a Field Value Mask

Grant User Access to View Additional Fields Masks


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- Apply a Column Heading Mask -

Column heading masks may be applied to the following fields in Port PS:



When a Column heading mask is applied, the field will display the applied column heading throughout Port PS and not  the default Port PS Column heading.  Neither NPAC nor Port PS uses these fields for processing.  They are provided strictly for use by you and your internal processing.  If you use these fields and would like your Port PS account to display descriptive column headings and values for your company, use this function to apply the headings.  The masks you apply here will not display to anyone using Port PS on a different account. 

Important:   Column heading masks will only be displayed to those users who have been given access to see the masks.  Otherwise, users without this access will see the default Port PS headings.  Go to Grant User Access to View Additional Fields for information on how to give a user access to see Column heading masks.

To apply a column heading mask:

 Select the Apply Additional Fields Mask  function.

  1. In the Set Column Headings section, select the column heading you would like to mask by clicking the Set to  button.  A blank field will be displayed.  All column headings are defaulted to show the column heading displayed in the NPAC.
  2. Enter the name you would like to display, instead of the existing column heading.
  3. Click Update  to apply the changes.  Port PS will now display the column heading you entered instead of the default column heading, for users with access to this functionality.


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- Apply a Field Value Mask -

Field value masks may be applied to the following fields in Port PS:



When a Field value mask is applied, the value of the field will display the mapped value throughout Port PS and not  the NPAC value.  Neither NPAC nor Port PS uses these fields for processing.  They are provided strictly for use by you and your internal processing.  If you use these fields and would like your Port PS account to display more descriptive column headings and values for your company, use this function to create the field value mapping.  The masks you apply here will not display to anyone using Port PS on a different account. 

Important:   Field value mappings will only be displayed to those users who have been given access to see the masks.  Otherwise, users without this access will see the NPAC values.  Go to Grant User Access to View Additional Fields for information on how to give a user access to see field value masks.

The following Field Value Mask functions may be performed.  Click a link to go directly to help for that topic:

Create a New Field Value Mapping

Modify an existing Field Value Mapping

Delete an existing Field Value Mapping

Export a Field Value Mapping to a file

Import a Field Value Mappings from a file


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- Create a New Field Value Mapping -

When you want to apply a mask to a field value, you'll create a Mapping.  A mapping is a saved file of the field(s), the NPAC value for the field(s), and the masked value for the field(s) for a specified SPID, or all SPIDs.  Mappings may be updated after they are saved. 

Note :  If you already have a mapping of field values, you may import the mapping into Port PS rather than type it in here. 

To create a new field value mapping:

1.  Select the Apply Additional Fields Mask  function.

2.  In the Field Value Configuration section, click the Create New Mapping link (a new mapping section will appear below the Create New Mapping link.  Scroll down to find it).

3.  Enter a name for the Mapping in the Mapping Name field.

  • Mapping names must be unique.
  • Mapping names cannot have any spaces or special characters.


4.  Specify whether you would like the mapping to apply to all the SPIDs associated with your company or only to a specific SPID or SPIDs.

  • You may not create more than one Mapping assigned to the same SPID.
  • You may not create more than one Mapping assigned to All SPIDs.
  • If you create an ALL SPIDs mapping, and  a mapping for a specific SPID, the specific SPID mapping will be used for that SPID only. 


Select... To...
All SPIDs  Display the masked values set up in the Mapping to the additional fields for All SPIDs associated to your account.
Set To Enter a specific SPID or SPIDs where the masked values set up in the Mapping will be displayed.  To enter more than one SPID, separate the SPIDs using a comma or space.  For example; 1234, 2345 6789


5.  In the Field Masks section, locate the field, or column header where you want to mask a value.  Note :  If you applied a column heading mask, the column heading mask will display in this section.  

6.  For each Field you want to mask, enter the NPAC value that you would like to mask.  Once the mask is applied, whenever this NPAC value is passed, the masked value will be displayed.

Adtl Fields - NPAC Value


7. For each Field you want to mask, enter the Masked value associated to the NPAC value.  This is the value that will display in Port PS instead of the NPAC value.

Adtl Fields - mask


8.  To add additional NPAC values and Masked values for the field, click the Add Mask  link.  A new entry field will become available to add additional masks. 

  • You may not add more than one mask for the same NPAC value. 


9.  Click Create Mapping  to apply the masks and save the mapping. 


Once you have created a field value mapping, you may export the mapping to a file, modify the mapping as necessary, or delete the mapping


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- Modify an Existing Field Value Mapping –

Once a field value mapping exists, you may need to edit that mapping to meet company needs. 

  1. Select the mapping you want to modify using the mapping Name  and click Modify Field Masks .
  2. Edit, add, or delete the field masks as necessary and click Save .


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- Delete an Existing Field Value Mapping -

Once a field value mapping exists, you may delete the mapping . 

  1. Select the mapping you want to delete using the mapping Name  and click Delete Mapping .
  2. The mapping is deleted.


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- Export a Field Value Mapping -

Once a field value mapping exists, you may need export the mapping to a file. 

  1. Click the Export Mappings  (Download csv file) link.  Specify the location for the file.
  2. All mappings stored in Port PS are exported to the file using the Mapping Name as the identifier for each mapping. 


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- Import a Field Value Mapping -

You may import mapping(s) into Port PS instead of using the manual entry through the GUI.

Important!: When you import a Mapping into Port PS, it deletes and replaces all existing mappings.

To import an existing mapping into Port PS:

 1. Use the - Export a Field Value Mapping - function to export any existing mappings. Any existing mapping will be deleted and replaced with the new file, so it is important to include any existing mappings you want to keep in your new import file.

  • Delete any mapping you no longer want applied in your account.
  • Edit mappings you want to keep by changing or adding masks.
  • Add new mappings and masks in the file format described in the next step.
  • Save the file in .csv format.

 2.  Your file must be in the following format in order to successfully be loaded into Port PS.  DO NOT include a header line with the column headings below in the saved file.


Column # Column Heading Description
Column 1 Name The name of the mapping.
  • The Mapping name cannot have spaces or special characters.
  • The Mapping Name must be unique
Column 2 SPIDs The SPID ID the mapping applies to.  If the mapping applies to all SPIDs, this value should read "ALL".
  • You may not create more than one mapping for the same SPID
  • You may not create more than one mapping for ALL SPIDs.
  • If you have a mapping for both ALL and a specified SPID(s), the mapping for the specified SPID(s) will be used for TNs with that SPID.
Column 3 Field The field title.This value MUST contain the original name of the field in all Capital letters. For example, BILLINGID. Do not list the masked column header.
Column 4 NPAC Value The value stored in NPAC.
Column 5 Mask The value you want to display.


For example:

Adtl Fields - mask


3.  Click the Import Mappings from File  link.

4.  Browse to locate the file you want to import.

5.  Click Import.


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- Grant User Access to View Additional Field Masks -

Column heading masks and field value masks may only be seen by users who have been given authorization to see them.  Without authorization, the user sees only the standard, default Port PS and NPAC values. 

To grant user access to view additional field masks:

 1.  Go to Manage Current Users

2.  Locate the name of the person you want to provide access to.  Note their login ID.

3.  Click the Permission tab. Locate the login ID for the person.

4.  Click the Additional Fields check box to give access for the user to view Additional Field masks. 


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