Number Analyzer Help
The Number Analyzer is an analytics tool that enables you to assess valuable information at a glance, about the TNs associated with the SPIDs and OCNs in your Port PS profile. Data is updated on a regular basis. Click the link below to do directly to help for the topic.
Number Analyzer on the Home Screen
- Number Analyzer on the Home Screen -
On the home screen, you'll see analytics for:
- TN Inventory: The complete set of TNs owned by you, in all regions.
- Port In: The number of TNs ported in to you, in all regions, over time.
- Port Out: The number of TNs ported out from you, in all regions, over time.
- TN Utilization: The utilization percentage of all TNs belonging to you, in all regions.
To access analytics for specific locations or to receive more detailed analytics on the topic, click the MORE INFORMATION link at the bottom of the section.
- Select a Geographic Area -
Clicking the MORE INFORMATION link in any section of Number Analyzer on the Home screen takes you into a detailed view of the section. When you arrive at the detailed section, the screen is split into 2 halves.
- The top half of the screen enables you to utilize map functionality to hone in on an area of interest.
- The bottom half of the screen presents the analytics. If you make no changes to the geography information at the top of the screen, this section presents data for All NPAC Regions.
To select a geographic area to perform analytics:
There are 2 ways to pinpoint the specific location you would like to see number analytics for. You may use the 2 methods interchangeably. Each geographical selection causes the analytics to update based on your selection.
Select from the drop down boxes |
*Note : If you do not utilize Market functionality, the Market tab will be unavailable to you. To learn more about Market functionality, contact Neustar at [email protected] . |
Click on a Map Marker |
The Analytic page you have entered displays different values on the Map Markers.
- TN Inventory map markers display the Number of TNs in the marked geographic area
- Port In map markers display the number of TNs ported into the marked geographic area in the last 3 months
- Port Out map markers display the number of TNs ported out of the marked geographic area in the last 3 months
- TN Utilization map markers display the TN Utilization of the marked geographic area. Markers are color coded based on the utilization.
- TN Inventory by Switch -
The TN Inventory by Switch analytics displays the following data for the geographical area you specified. LERG data is required for switch mapping.
OCN | A list of OCNs associated with your customer profile. |
Switch | The Switch ID associated with the OCN. Click on a Switch ID link in the list and open a new table containing:
# NPA-NXX | The number of NPA-NXXs associated with the switch. Click on the NPA-NXX link and open a new table containing:
# Native TNs | The number of Native TNs associated with the Switch. |
# NPA-NXX-X | The number of NPA-NXX-X associated with the switch. Click on the NPA-NXX-X link and open a new table containing:
# Pooled TNs | The number of Pooled TNs associated with the switch. |
# Ported TNs | The number of Ported TNs associated with the switch. |
# Blk p-LRNs | The number of Blk p-LRNs associated with the switch. |
# TN p-LRNs | The number of p-LRNs associated with the switch. |
# Total | The total number of TNs associated with the switch. |
Note: You may search for a specific OCN or Switch by typing the desired value into the Search field or you may click on the any field in the header and sort by that field.
- Port In Information By SPID -
The Port In analytics contains data on both Intra and Inter-SPID Port Ins for All SPIDs or a specific SPID, in a specified time frame. The screen defaults to display Inter-SPID port in data.
The Port In analytics for both Inter and Intra-SPID Port Ins each contain 2 sections:
- A pie chart graphic
- A data table
To see Port In analytics:
- Select All SPIDs or a specific SPID from the SPID dropdown selection box.
- Select a time frame (Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Three Months) from the Timeframe dropdown selection box.
- The analytics are automatically updated.
Pie Chart Graphic
- Inter-SPID Port In: The pie chart graphic depicts the percentage of Inter-SPID Port Ins from the top 10 carriers , for the selected geographic area, for the selected SPID, for the selected time frame. The pie chart key shows the old SPID and the associated carrier.
- Intra-SPID Port In: The pie chart graphic depicts the percentage of Intra-SPID Port Ins from the top 10 carriers , for the selected geographic area, for the selected SPID, for the selected time frame. The pie chart key shows the old SPID and the associated carrier.
Important : The percentages displayed in the Pie Chart graphics will not match the percentages displayed in the Data Table because the Pie Chart displays the top 10 carriers and the Data Table displays all carriers.
Port In Data Table
Inter-SPID Port In:
The data table for the Inter-SPID Port In analytics contains data from all carriers, not just the top 10 as depicted in the pie chart. For this reason, the percentages displayed here will not match the percentages displayed in the pie chart.
The data is as follows:
Old SPID – SPID Name | The old SPID ID and the name of the SPID owner where the TN was ported from. |
Total Number of Port Ins (All Port Types) | The total number of Port Ins from the SPID. Port Types included are:
Percentage of Port Ins | Percentage of the total number of Port Ins. |
# of Snapbacks | The number of snapbacks (TN with different SPID Disconnected, snapped back to Block or snapped back to Code). |
Intra-SPID Port In:
The data table for the Intra-SPID Port In analytics contains data from all carriers, not just the top 10 as depicted in the pie chart. For this reason, the percentages displayed here will not match the percentages displayed in the pie chart.
The data is as follows:
Old SPID – SPID Name | The old SPID ID and the name of the SPID owner where the TN was ported from. |
Total Number of Port Ins (All Port Types) | The total number of Port Ins from the SPID. Port Types included are:
Percentage of Port Ins | Percentage of the total number of Port Ins |
# of Snapbacks | The number of snapbacks (TN with same SPID Disconnected, snapped back to Block or snapped back to Code) |
# of Block Activations | The number of Block activations. |
Note: You may search for a specific OCN in either table by typing the desired value into the Search field or you may click on the any field in the header and sort by that field.
- Port Out Information By SPID -
The Port Out analytics contains data on both Intra and Inter-SPID Port Outs for All SPIDs or a specific SPID, in a specified time frame. The screen defaults to display Inter-SPID port out data.
The Port Out analytics for both Inter and Intra-SPID Port Out each contain 2 sections:
- A pie chart graphic
- A data table
To see Port Out analytics:
- Select All SPIDs or a specific SPID from the SPID dropdown selection box.
- Select a time frame (Last Day, Last Week, Last Month, Last Three Months) from the Timeframe dropdown selection box.
- The analytics are automatically updated.
Pie Chart Graphic
- Inter-SPID Port Out: The pie chart graphic depicts the percentage of Inter-SPID Port Outs from the top 10 carriers , for the selected geographic area, for the selected SPID, for the selected time frame. The pie chart key shows the new SPID and the associated carrier.
- Intra-SPID Port Out: The pie chart graphic depicts the percentage of Intra-SPID Port Ins from the top 10 carriers , for the selected geographic area, for the selected SPID, for the selected time frame. The pie chart key shows the new SPID and the associated carrier.
Important : The percentages displayed in the Pie Chart graphics will not match the percentages displayed in the data table because the Pie Chart displays the top 10 carriers and the Data table displays all carriers.
Port Out Data Table
Inter-SPID Port Out:
The data table for the Inter-SPID Port Out analytics contains data from all carriers, not just the top 10 as depicted in the pie chart. For this reason, the percentages displayed here will not match the percentages displayed in the pie chart.
The data is as follows:
New SPID – SPID Name | The new SPID ID and the name of the SPID owner where the TN was ported to. |
Total Number of Port Outs (All Port Types) | The total number of Port Outs to the new SPID. Port Types included are:
Percentage of Port Outs | Percentage of the total number of Port Outs. |
# of Snapbacks | The number of snapbacks (TN Disconnected, snapped back to Block or Code with different SPID). |
Intra-SPID Port Outs:
The data table for the Intra-SPID Port Out analytics contains data from all carriers, not just the top 10 as depicted in the pie chart. For this reason, the percentages displayed here will not match the percentages displayed in the pie chart.
The data is as follows:
New SPID – SPID Name | The new SPID ID and the name of the SPID owner where the TN was ported to. |
Total Number of Port Outs (All Port Types) | The total number of Port Outs from the SPID. Port Types included are:
Percentage of Port Outs | Percentage of the total number of Port Outs |
# of Snapbacks | The number of snapbacks (TN Disconnected- snapped back to Block or snapped back to Code with same SPID) |
Note: You may search for a specific OCN in either table by typing the desired value into the Search field or you may click on the any field in the header and sort by that field.
- TN Utilization -
TN Utilization analytics data is only available to service providers who have elected to provide their utilization data to Neustar through an FTP process. If you would like to provide Neustar with utilization data so you will have access to this analytics data, contact [email protected].
The TN Utilization analytics shows you the TN utilization for the Rate Centers located in the geographic area you've selected. The data shows the following information:
OCN | A list of OCNs in the geographic area. |
State | A list of States in the geographical area. |
LATA | A list of LATAs in the geographical area. |
Rate Center | A list of Rate Centers in the geographical area. |
# of Blocks | The number of blocks assigned to the Rate Center. |
% Utilization | The percentage of TNs that are utilized in the Rate Center. This field is color coded for a quick view of the utilization.
Note: You may search for a specific OCN in either table by typing the desired value into the Search field or you may click on the any field in the header and sort by that field.
To specify a specific TN utilization threshold:
1. Select a Utilization Threshold of:
Utilization Greater Than | To see Rate Centers in the selected geographical area that have a utilization percentage greater than the value you set in the next step. |
Utilization Less Than | To see Rate Centers in the selected geographical area that have a utilization percentage less than the value you set up in the next step. |
2. Select a percentage value from 5% to 95% as the utilization threshold to compare the Rate Center utilization against.