RIMS Market Administration Help
The main function performed by a RIMs administrator is to define and maintain markets. Markets are geographic areas where the Service Provider orders codes and blocks. Without markets, RIMS will not operate correctly.A RIMS Administrator may perform the following functions.
Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Create a Market
Edit a Market
Deactivate a Market
Deactivate a LATA Group
Switch to LRN Maintenance
Maintain Market to OCN Association
Maintain OCN to Rate Center Association
- Create a Market -
RIMS cannot be used without the creation of at least one market within RIMS. The Markets created are geographic areas that are representative of the areas where the Service Provider does business. They can be as large or as small as desired.
Creating a market has three (3) parts and all 3 parts must be completed for the market to be usable in RIMS. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Part 1: Naming the Market
Part 2: Assign Rate Centers to the Market
Part 3: Create and Assign LATA Groups
- Naming the Market -
1. Open the create Market Maintenance Page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market Management from the home page or Administration --> Market Management from within RIMS. A list of any markets already existing for the service provider is displayed.
2. Click New Market .
3. Enter a Market Name in the box provided. The Market Name can be any name that represents the area being created.
- Both alpha and numeric characters are allowed.
- Use no more than 100 characters.
4. Enter a Market Code in the box provided.
- Alphanumeric characters are allowed.
- Use no more than 6 characters.
- The Market Code may not be changed once it is saved.
- Enter a unique Market Code.
5. Enter a Market ID in the box provided. The market ID can be used if desired, in downstream systems. It is not used in RIMS.
- Both alpha and numeric characters are allowed.
- Use no more than 20 characters
6. Select a Status from the dropdown.
Active | Select Active if the new Market should be immediately seen and usable in RIMS upon setup completion. |
Inactive | Select Inactive if the new Market should be hidden from use for a period of time. An inactive market cannot be used to request, modify, return, or donate blocks or codes. This option may be desirable when creating a replacement Market and decommissioning another. The new market can be created and then "turned on" when the market is completely defined and is ready for use. When an old Market is officially decommissioned it can be "turned off". |
7. Optionally, select a Service Provider Type from the drop down. The value selected here will default when you create an order for the Market. If no value is selected, the user will have to select a value when creating an order.
8. Optionally, select a Block Service Type from the drop down. The value selected here will default when you create an order for the Market.If no value is selected, the user will have to select a value when creating an order.
9. Select one to many OCNs to associate to the Market. When a new Market is created, you must map at least one OCN to the Market in order for RIMS to properly filter and display data.
10. Click Save to save the new Market.
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- Assign Rate Centers to a Market -
1. Open the create Market Maintenance Page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market Management from the home page or Administration --> Market Management from within RIMS.
2. Locate the market to add a Rate Center. Click the Assign Rate Centers link.
3. In the Map States and LATAs to the Selected Market section, select the State (s) for the Rate Center from the dropdown.
- Multiple states may be added by clicking multiple check boxes.
4. Select the LATA (s) for the Rate Center from the drop down. The Select Rate Centers selection box populates with the available Rate Centers.
- Available LATAs are based on the state(s) selected.
- Multiple LATAs may be selected by clicking multiple checkboxes.
Important: Once you have mapped Rate Centers from a State or LATA to the Market, removing that State or LATA from this mapping section will automatically remove all the associated rate centers from the mapping. DO NOT remove a State or LATA from the mapping section unless you intend to remove all the Rate Centers from that State or LATA as well.
5. To add Rate Centers to the Market, in the Map Rate Centers to the Market section, click on the Rate Center(s) in the Available column and either drag them to the Selected column or click the Right Arrow button to move the selected Rate Centers to the Selected column.
- Rate Centers are retrieved from PAS based on the selected State and LATA.
- Only select Rate Centers where codes and blocks are ordered as the values selected here will be available for selection by the Market Administrator during the ordering process.
- At least one Rate Center must be selected for the Market in order for that Market to be usable during the ordering process.
- Multiple Rate Centers may be selected.
Note : You may filter the list of Available and Selected Rate Centers by the States and LATAs mapped to the Market (in the top section of the screen) using the Filter Rate Centers function.
Select specific States, LATAs, or combinations of State and LATA using the filter dropdowns to filter the list as desired. You may move Rate Centers from the Available to the Selected list or reverse while the Rate Center list is filtered without affecting the Rate Center selections in a State or LATA that is currently filtered out of the list.
6. To Remove a Rate Center from the Market, select the Rate Center(s) in the Selected column and either drag them to the Available column or click the Left Arrow button to move the selected Rate Centers out of the Selected column.
7. Click Save to save the Rate Center selections
8. You will be asked to confirm the changes you made to the Market to Rate Center screen. Make sure you review the list of changes carefully to ensure you do not inadvertently map or un-map a Rate Center.
Important : If your company also maps Rate Centers to OCNs, you must use the OCN to Rate Center mapping function to also map the Rate Centers to the associated OCN(s). Not performing this additional mapping will result in incorrect filtering and data display in RIMs.
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- Create and Assign LATA Groups –
A LATA Group is a collection of LRNs and switches. Creating a LATA group has two (2) parts and both parts must be completed for the LATA group to be assigned to the market and usable in RIMS. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Part 1: Name the LATA Group
Part 2: Manage Switches
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- Name the LATA Group -
1. Open the create Market Maintenance Page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market Management from the home page or Administration --> Market Management from within RIMS.
2. Locate the market to create a LATA group. Click the Manage LATAs link.
3. To include an additional LATA, click the New LATA Group button at the bottom of the screen.
4. Enter a LATA Name .
- The LATA Name must be a unique LATA Name for the Market (the same name may be used on another market)
- No more than 40 characters are allowed.
- Alpha numeric characters are allowed.
- The LATA Name may not be changed once it is saved.
5. Select a Status from the dropdown.
Active | Select Active if the new LATA Group should be immediately seen and usable in RIMS upon setup completion. |
Inactive | Select Inactive if the new LATA Group should be hidden from use for a period of time. This option may be desirable when creating a replacement LATA Group and decommissioning another. The new LATA Group can be created and then "turned on" when the LATA Group is completely defined and is ready for use. When an old LATA Group is officially decommissioned it can be "turned off". |
Important: During the ordering process, users will be required to select a LATA Group. The LATA Groups displayed for selection will be the ones saved to the Market during this set up process. There must be at least one ‘active' LATA Group on a Market for the market to be useable in the ordering process.
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- Manage Switches -
1. Locate the desired LATA and Click the Manage Switches link.
2. Select a Status from the dropdown. If the LATA Group was set up as inactive this value will be defaulted to Inactive, otherwise it will be defaulted to Active.
3. To add Switches to the LATA Group, click on the Switch(es) in the Available column and either drag them to the Selected column or click the Right Arrow button to move the selected switches to the Selected column.
- Multiple switches may be selected at once and moved from one column to the other by selecting the first switch then holding the Ctrl key while selecting the others.
- During the ordering process, users will be required to select a Switch. The Switches displayed for selection will be the ones assigned to the LATA Group during this set up process.
- If you need to create a new switch, use the Add a New Switch function.
4. To Remove a switch from the LATA Group, select the switch(es) in the Selected column and either drag them to the Available column or click the Left Arrow button to move the selected switches out of the Selected column.
5. Click Save to save the switch selections
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- Edit a Market -
RIMS allows a user to edit certain parts of a Market that have already been created and saved.
To edit a market:
1. Open the create Market Maintenance
Page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market Management
from the home page or Administration --> Market Management
from within RIMS. A list of any markets already existing for the service
provider is displayed.
2. Determine which market to edit by looking at the Market Name and the Market Code.
3. Determine what part of the Market needs to be edited:
Market Name, Market ID, Status | 1. Click on the Edit link to update the Market Name, the Market ID, or the Status of the market. 2. On the Edit Market screen:
3. Click Save to save the updates and return to the Market Maintenance screen. |
Rate Centers | 1. Click on the Assign Rate Centers link to update the Rate Centers associated to the market. 2. On the Assign Rate Centers to Market screen:
Important: Once you have mapped Rate Centers from a State or LATA to the Market, removing that State or LATA from this mapping section will automatically remove all the associated rate centers from the mapping. DO NOT remove a State or LATA from the mapping section unless you intend to remove all the Rate Centers from that State or LATA as well. 3. Click Save to save the updates and return to the Market Maintenance screen. |
LATA Groups/Switches | 1. Click on the Manage LATAs link to update the switches associated to the LATA Groups in the Market. 2. On the LATAs for Market screen, locate the LATA Group that needs to be edited. Click the Manage Switches link. 3. This opens the Associate LATA to Switches screen.
4. Click Save to save the updates. |
- Deactivate a Market -
RIMS allows a user to deactivate a Market. A market that is deactivated cannot be used to request, modify, donate, or return a block or code.
Note : You may not deactivate a Market that is still being used in an outstanding order. An outstanding order is any order that is not in a Complete or Working status.
To deactivate a market:
1. Open the create Market Maintenance
Page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market Management
from the home page or Administration --> Market Management
from within RIMS. A list of any markets already existing for the service
provider is displayed.
2. Determine which market to deactivate by looking at the Market Name and the Market Code
3. Click on the edit link of the Market to deactivate.
4. In the Status field, select Inactive to deactivate the market.
- You may not deactivate a Market that is still being used in an outstanding order. An outstanding order is any order that is not in a Complete or Working status.
5. Click Save to save the inactivated Market to the database
- Once saved, the deactivated Market is displayed in the list on the Market Maintenance screen with an Inactive Status.
- Deactivate a LATA Group –
RIMS allows a user to deactivate a LATA Group that is associated to a Market. A LATA Group that is deactivated can no longer be selected during the ordering process. To make a LATA Group inactive, set either the LRN or the Switch association to Inactive.
1. Open the create Market Maintenance
Page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market Management
from the home page or Administration --> Market Management
from within RIMS. A list of any markets already existing for the service
provider is displayed.
2. Determine which Market the LATA Group belongs to by looking at the Market Name and Market Code
3. Click on the Manage LATAs link.
4. Click on the Manage Switches link
5. Select Inactive from the Status dropdown.
6. Click Save to make the switch association and the whole LATA Group inactive.
- Switch to LRN Maintenance –
The Switch to LRN Maintenance function provides the ability to do the following 3 functions. Click a link to go directly to the help for that topic.
Associate an LRN to the Correct Switch
Edit an LRN/Switch Association
Add a New Switch
Delete an LRN/Switch Association
- Associate an LRN to the Correct Switch -
An LRN/Switch association drives the values displayed in the dropdown fields during the ordering process.
To create a switch to LRN association:
1. Open the Switch to LRN Maintenance
page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Switch to LRN
from the home page or Administration --> Switch to LRN
from within RIMS.
2. Click the New Switch/LRN button at the bottom of the screen. This opens the Switch to LRN page.
3. Select an existing Switch from the dropdown, or add a new switch.
4. Select an LRN from the dropdown.
5. Indicate whether the switch to LRN association is orderable, provisionable, or both using the Orderable Ind dropdown.
- A switch association with a value of orderable or both will be available for the Market Number Administrator during ordering. A switch with a value of provisionable will not.
6. Select an LRN Type from the dropdown list.
7. Click Save to save the switch to LRN association.
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- Edit an LRN/Switch Association -
To edit a switch to LRN association:
1. Open the Switch to LRN Maintenance
page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Switch to LRN
from the home page or Administration --> Switch to LRN
from within RIMS.
2. Locate the desired Switch using the Switch ID field.
3. Click the Edit link to open the Edit Switch to LRN Maintenance screen.
4. Indicate whether the switch to LRN association is orderable, provisionable, or both using the Orderable Ind dropdown.
- A switch association with a value of orderable or both will be available for the Market Number Administrator during ordering. A switch with a value of provisionable will not.
5. Select an LRN Type from the dropdown list.
6. Click Save to save the switch to LRN characteristics.
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- Add a New Switch -
To add a new switch:
1. Open the Switch to LRN Maintenance
page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Switch to LRN
from the home page or Administration --> Switch to LRN
from within RIMS.
2. Click the New Switch/LRN button at the bottom of the screen. This opens the Switch to LRN page.
3. Click Add New Switch to add a new switch.
4. Enter a Switch ID in the Switch field.
5. Select an LRN from the dropdown.
6. Indicate whether the switch to LRN association is orderable, provisionable, or both using the Orderable Ind dropdown.
- A switch association with a value of orderable or both will be available for the Market Number Administrator during ordering. A switch with a value of provisionable will not.
7. Select an LRN Type from the dropdown list.
8. Click Save to save the new switch and switch to LRN association.
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- Delete an LRN/Switch Association -
To delete an LRN/Switch Association:
1. Open the Switch to LRN Maintenance page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Switch to LRN from the home page or Administration --> Switch to LRN from within RIMS.
2. Locate the Switch/LRN combination using the Switch ID and LRN columns.
3. Click the Delete link in the Delete column.
4. Confirm you want to delete the association by clicking OK . Click Cancel to not delete the association.
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- Maintain Market to OCN Association -
The Market to OCN mapping function in RIMS is used to provide filtering capabilities within RIMS. The Market to OCN association enables the OCN dropdown lists throughout RIMS to filter based on the user selected Market. Once an initial Market to OCN mapping is set up in RIMS, you use this function to maintain your data going forward. The mapping must be maintained in order for accurate OCN drop down values to be presented in RIMS.
This function is used only to maintain existing Market to OCN associations. Contact [email protected] to create an initial Market to OCN mapping.
To maintain a Market to OCN association:
1. Open the Market to OCN page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> Market to OCN from the home page or Administration --> Market to OCN from within RIMS.
2. Select the desired Market from the Market Name drop down box.
3. Select the OCNs you want associated to this Market in the Select OCNs selection box by highlighting the OCNs and dragging them from the Available column to the Selected column or using the arrow keys. You may select multiple OCNs at once by holding down your Ctrl key.
4. Click Save.
5. The OCN drop down lists for the market will now contain only the associated OCNs set up on this screen.
- Maintain OCN to Rate Center Association -
The OCN to Rate Center mapping function in RIMS is used by Service Providers who want to take advantage of additional filtering capabilities within RIMS. The OCN to Rate Center association enables some Rate Center lists in RIMS to filter based on the user selected OCN. Once an initial OCN to Rate Center mapping is set up in RIMS, you use this function to maintain your data going forward. The mapping must be maintained in order for accurate Rate Center values to be presented in RIMS.
This function is used only to maintain existing OCN to Rate Center associations. Contact [email protected] to create an initial OCN to Rate Center mapping.
To maintain an OCN to Rate Center association:
1. Open the OCN to Rate Center page by pointing to RIMS Market Administration --> OCN to Rate Center from the home page or Administration --> OCN to Rate Center from within RIMS.
2. In the Map States and LATAs to the Selected OCN section, select an OCN from the drop down list.
3. Select one to many States associated to the OCN.
4. Select one to many LATAs associated to the States.
Important: Once you have mapped Rate Centers from a State or LATA to the OCN, removing that State or LATA from this mapping section will automatically remove all the associated rate centers from the mapping. DO NOT remove a State or LATA from the mapping section unless you intend to remove all the Rate Centers from that State or LATA as well.
5. In the Map Rate Centers to the OCN section, select the Rate Centers you want associated to the OCN in the Select Rate Centers selection box by highlighting the OCNs and dragging them from the Available list to the Selected list or using the arrow keys. You may select multiple Rate Centers at once by holding down your Ctrl key. All Rate Centers in the Selected list will be mapped to the selected OCN.
Note : You may filter the list of Available and Selected Rate Centers by the States and LATAs mapped to the OCN (in the top section of the screen) using the Filter Rate Centers function.
Select specific States, LATAs, or combinations of State and LATA using the filter dropdowns to filter the list as desired. You may move Rate Centers from the Available to the Selected list or reverse while the Rate Center list is filtered without affecting the Rate Center selections in a State or LATA that is currently filtered out of the list.
6. Click Save .
7. You will be asked to confirm the changes you made to the OCN to Rate Center screen. Make sure you review the list of changes carefully to ensure you do not inadvertently map or un-map a Rate Center.