RIMS Market Number Administrator Help
Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Utilization and Pooling Forecast Reporting
Block/Code Administration
Informational Reporting
Order Statuses
Validation Errors
- Roles -
There are three (3) user roles available in RIMS. Contact your RIMS Administrator to be set up with one of these Roles.
Role | Functions |
Administrator |
Market Number Administrator |
Central Number Administrator |
- Utilization and Pooling Forecast Reporting -
RIMS Utilization and Forecast Reporting provides the ability to load telephone number utilization information into RIMS and create and send Pooling Forecast reports and semi-annual NRUF (Number Resource Utilization and Forecast) reports. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Create/Edit and Submit Monthly Pooling Forecast Reports to the Pooling Administration
Download Monthly Pooling Forecast Reports
Download Monthly Pooling Forecast Reports for all Markets
Create Regulatory NRUF Reports
Upload Pooling Forecast
- Create/Edit and Submit Monthly Pooling Forecast Reports to the Pooling Administration -
RIMS provides the ability to create or edit a monthly Pooling forecast report and submit that report to the Pooling Administration.
To create or edit and submit a Monthly Pooling Forecast Report:
1. Open the Edit Forcast screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Set Forecast from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Set Forecast from within RIMS.
2. Select the Market where the rate center to create/edit is located.
3. Select the OCN(s) where the rate center to create a forecast for is located. Note : OCN multi-select capability is only available to Service Providers who have provided an OCN to Rate Center mapping to Neustar. Otherwise, single OCN selection is available.
4. Optionally, select one to many State(s)
5. Optionally, select one to many NPA(s)
6. Click Show Rate Centers . A rate center table with the following information is displayed:
Rate Center | A list of all the Rate Centers in the Market and OCN selected. |
OCN | The OCN associated to the Rate Center |
NPA | The NPA associated to the Rate Center |
State | The State associated to the Rate Center |
PAS Status | A status indicating where the forecast submission is within the Pooling Administration. Statuses are:
A rolling 12 months | A column for each month/year of rolling 12 month year. The first month displayed is the current month. Each month displays the current forecast for the month. A blank value means no forecast has been made for that month. |
PAS Updated | A date and time stamp of when the submitted forecast entered that status. |
4. Choose the Rate Center , OCN ,and NPA where you are adding or editing a forecast. Add/edit a monthly forecast by putting your curser in the month/year box and typing the number of blocks forecasted for the month. Any value you edit in the Rate Center table will highlight in blue so you can easily identify your updates.
- The forecast must be a numeric value between 0 and 999
- You do not have to complete a forecast for every month at one time.
: You may enter a forecast for as many months as desired; however, you may not order codes or blocks for a month that has no forecast.
5. Click Submit to PAS to save the entered forecast and send it to the Pooling Administration.
- If more than 25 blocks are forecast for one or more months, RIMS will display a warning message. You may still submit the forecast.
- Your Pooling Status is set to Sent to Pooling while it waits for PAS approval.
- Forecasts in an Error status will be resubmitted automatically when you click Submit to PAS , unless the forecast values for all months in the errored rate center are blank.
Note : If the Forecast fails at the Pooling Administration and an Error status is received, the user is notified when attempting to create an order against this rate center on the New Block Request or New Code Request screen. The user will not be allows to continue creating the order against a forecast that is in Error. If an order is already pending against a forecast that receives an Error status from PAS, the Order status of the pending order will be changed to Error.
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- Download Monthly Pooling Forecast Reports -
You may download the Monthly Forecasts at any time, and as many times as is necessary.
To download monthly forecast reports:
1. Open the Edit Forecast screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Reports --> Set Forecast from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Set Forecast from within RIMS.
2. Select the Market for the OCN where the forecast you want to download is located.
3. Select the OCN where the forecast you want to download is located. The Rate Center table is displayed.
4. Click Download Forecast to download all the forecasts in the selected Market and OCN to an excel file
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- Download Monthly Pooling Forecast Report For All Markets -
You may download all the Monthly Forecasts in all the markets created for your organization at any time, and as many times as is necessary.
To download monthly forecast reports for all markets:
1. Open the Download Forecast for all Markets screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Reports -->Download Forecast for All Markets from the home screen, or pointing to Reports --> Download Forecast for All Markets from within RIMS.
2. Enter a unique Query Name for the report.
- Defaults to Download forecast for all markets - (date of query).
3. Select the Market(s) for the OCN(s) where the forecast you wish to download is located.
- Click Select All to select all Markets.
4.Select the OCN(s) where the forecast you wish to download is located.
- Click Select All to select all OCNs.
5. Click Run Report to submit the query to Query Manager
6. An email, with a link to the report, will be sent when the report is completed. Follow the link to the Query Manager Results Page , and click Download to download the report to an excel file. The report will open with the following information:
- NPA(s)
- Rate Center(s)
- State(s)
- OCN(s)
- Market(s)
- Forecast(s) for each month (Rolling 12 months)
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- Create Regulatory NRUF Reports -
RIMS allows you to run an NRUF report for the current reporting period, or for the December or June reporting dates.
To create a regulatory NRUF report:
1. Open the Create NRUF Report screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Reports --> Create NRUF Report from the home screen, or pointing to Reports --> Create NRUF Report from within RIMS.
2. Enter a unique Query Name for the report.
3. Select the OCN to be used in the NRUF report using the drop down menu.
4. Select a For Date for the NRUF report using the drop down menu. You may choose to run the report for the current state of utilization period or on the December or June reporting dates. Note : If you run a "Current" NRUF on the 1st day of any month and you have not already provided utilization data for that day, the data used for the NRUF will be the last day of the previous month. I.e., if you run a Current NRUF on April 1 and there is no utilization data for April 1, the NRUF will be populated using data from March 31st.
5. Click Run Report to execute the report.
! Important! : If RIMS detects a Pooling or NANPA file which is not current as per the selected NRUF type, a notification is displayed. This means, if you run the NRUF now, you may be using old data to create your report. You may choose to run the NRUF anyway, with the latest files published by NANPA and Pooling or, if you are creating the NRUF for regulatory purposes, is advised you wait and try to run the NRUF again at a later time when the files have been updated.
6. An email, with the report attached, is sent when the report is completed. Open the attachment to view the report, or go to Query Manager to view the results. The FCC Form 502, North American Numbering Plan Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Report opens.
Tab | Description |
Cover, Home, Main Menu, Instructions |
These tabs contain no Service Provider specific information. They are standard on the NRUF form. |
Company Info | Defaults the:
Form U1 | The Form U1 is completed with the utilization information for the Service Provider. |
Form U3 | The Form U3 is completed with utilization information for the Service Provider if the U1_U3 utilization file format is used to submit utilization information to Neustar. If you are not currently reporting U3 data to Neustar but would like to, contact Neustar at [email protected]. |
Form F-1a, Form F-1b, Form F-2a, Form F-2b, Form F-3a, Form F-3b |
Except for the form F-1b, company Information is defaulted in these tabs. In the form F-1b, you must complete the 5 year forecast information. The F-1B form will not contain grandfathered rate centers as according to NAS, no forecasts should be submitted for these rate centers. |
Rural Certification | Company Information is defaulted in this tab. |
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- Upload Pooling Forecasts -
RIMS provides the ability for users to take a monthly breakdown of the yearly forecast required for NRUF and upload it as monthly pooling forecasts into RIMS. RIMS will then automatically send the updated pooling forecasts to PAS per OCN.
This function would be useful during NRUF time. If monthly pooling forecast breakdowns are created to support the NRUF yearly forecast requirement, that information can be loaded into RIMS in bulk and submitted to PAS. (Rather than individually entering forecasts throughout the year). This upload will automatically populate the RIMS forecast screens and update PAS, saving user's time.
IMPORTANT : This function should only be used for Pooled rate centers.
To upload a monthly pooling forecast file:
1. Open the Upload Pooling Forecast screen by clicking Port PS RIMS -> Upload Pooling Forecast from the Home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration -> Upload Pooling Forecast from within RIMS.
2. Either navigate directly to the Set Forecast screen by pointing to Market Number Administration -> Set Forecast from within RIMS, or click the link Set Forecast in the instructions on the Upload Forecast screen
3. On the Set Forecast screen choose the Market(s) and OCN(s) you wish to update forecasts for.
4. Click Show Rate Centers to validate the list of Rate Centers you will be updating before you download them.
5. Click Download Forecast to download the current RIMS forecasts for the rate centers in your selection. The resulting download will be the basis upon which you will update the forecasts to be re-uploaded within the Upload Pooling Forecast screen.
6. Update the forecasts in the downloaded file as desired, using your NRUF breakdown as input.
- Delete all rate centers from this forecast file for which you do not wish to forecast. You may not upload a forecast for a rate center that has blank values for every month .
- Blanks are not allowed in your upload file. Blanks need to be replaced with 0s.
7. Save the updated file as a .xls file type. Remember , the first month in your file must be the current month .
8. Upload the .xls by using the "Upload File" function on the Upload Pooling Forecast screen.
9. Click Upload File to upload the file into RIMS. It could take up to 10 minutes for your forecasts to be updated within RIMS and additional time for it to be updated in PAS.
IMPORTANT: The content of the Pooling Forecast file will replace any existing Pooling Forecast already entered for the corresponding OCN, Rate Center, State, and NPA.
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- Block/Code Administration -
RIMS Block/Code Administration provides the ability for a Service Provider's market number administration groups and its central number administration group to coordinate number inventory management activities. It allows users to view current pooling information, enter new pooling requests to the Pooling Administration System (PAS), and to export a file for uploading into its billing/provisioning system.
There are several functions that can be performed in RIMS to manage number inventory. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
View/Maintain Orders
- Filtering the Order List
- Status Change History
- Utilizing Task Lists
- Uploading Task Lists
- Export Order Information to a File
- Cancel an order
Create New Order
- Request a New Block
- Create a Split Order Request
- Copy an Existing Block Order
- Request and Submit State Waiver for a Block Order
- Request a New Code
- Copy and Existing Code Order
- Request and Submit State Waiver for a Code Order
- Modify a Block
- Disconnect a Block
View/Submit a Part 4
- View/Maintain Orders -
In RIMS, orders in any status are displayed in a list on the Orders Maintenance screen. The Order List contains information about the orders that can be useful at a quick glance without having to dive deep into the order. Only orders that have been saved are displayed in the Order List. The Order list can be found under the Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator --> Orders menu or under the Market Number Administrator --> Orders menu within RIMS.
The Order List displays the following information in a table:
Order ID | A system generated, unique ID assigned to the order by RIMS. The Order ID is displayed as a link. Click the Order ID link to display the Status Change History for the Order. |
Order Name | A system generated, unique name assigned to the order by RIMS. This name is made of the market ID, NPA, rate center, order type (New Block and New Code <N>, Modify <M>, Donate <D>*, and Disconnect<R> order types) and the date/time stamp. The Order Name is displayed as a link. Click the Order Name link to open the order (either for editing or for viewing). * New Donate type orders are no longer supported in RIMS. The Disconnect type is used to return a block from a code owned by the service provider. Old orders created with the Donate type may still be found using this naming convention with the <D> for Donate. |
Order Type | The type of order. Types of orders may be:
Tracking Number | The Tracking Number from PAS associated with the order (if the order has been submitted and accepted by PAS, otherwise it is blank) |
Part 3 Received | A flag with a link indicating whether a Part 3 has been received for the order. If any Part 3 for the order has been received (not necessarily all Part 3s), the Part 3 Received flag will say Yes. Click the Yes link to open the Part 3. |
Status | A status value showing where the order is in the ordering process. Possible statuses are:
Action | Orders that are eligible to be copied (have a tracking number) will have a Copy link used to create a duplicate order. |
Part 3 Effective Date | The earliest Effective Date listed on any received Part 3 for a Block, Code, Modify, or Disconnect order. |
Blocks | The number of blocks in a New Block or New Code order. For a code request, this value reflects the number of blocks requested within the new code. For Modify and Disconnect types, this field is blank as the value will always be 1. Click on this link and a summary of the Part 3 (if available) is displayed. |
Created By | The user ID of the person who created the order. |
Last Updated Date / User | The date and time the order was last updated and the user ID of the person who edited it. |
Tasks | A link to get to the task list for the order. |
API Order | Designates whether an order was placed using the RIMS API. |
The Order List may be sorted by clicking on a column heading. Clicking once sorts the list in ascending order by the data in that column. Clicking a second time sorts the list in descending order by the data in the column.
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- Filtering the Order List -
RIMS provides the ability to filter the Order List to display only a subset of the full list of orders. When logged in as the Market Number Administrator, the Order List is defaulted to show orders that are Not Completed . In other words, orders in any status except Completed.
You may filter by multiple elements at a time to see only a very specific subset of orders by selecting values from the filter drop downs. For example, only orders with a Type of New Block Order in a Status of Completed that were Created By a specific User ID in 2014.
Note: When viewing orders using any Completed order status (Completed, Cancelled, Denied, All), you must also use the Date filter.
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- Status Change History -
RIMS provides the ability to view the progress of an order at a quick glance by displaying a summary of when the status changed for an order and who made the change.
To view the Status Change History for an order:
1. Locate the order to see status change history for in the Order List using the Order ID and Order name.
2. Click the Order ID link for the order. The following information is displayed:
Last Updated | The date and time that the order entered that status. |
User | The user ID of the user who changed the order to that status. |
Status | The status of the Order at that date/time. |
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- Utilizing the Task List -
Task lists enable Market Number Administrators to track all the steps necessary to complete an order. It creates an audit log of each step in the ordering process that is available for review by Market Number Administrators and the Central Numbering Group. Users mark off the tasks they have completed and the completed task is stamped with a date, time and the ID of the user who marked the task.
Creating the task descriptions for the task lists in RIMS is part of the RIMS set up process. You document the tasks for each task list in an excel spreadsheet and provide the file to Neustar. Neustar loads the task lists into RIMS to make them available to you. To update a description on the task list, contact Neustar at [email protected].
Task lists are customizable and there may be different task lists for different types of orders (i.e., a new block request vs. a block disconnect). Tasks Lists can, and should, contain tasks that are outside of RIMS processing to help the Service Provider manage the process of code and block administration from beginning to end, not just the RIMS component. RIMS stores the different task lists and associates the proper task list with the order type it belongs with.
Note : Tasks are not tied to RIMS processing in any way. Incomplete tasks do not stop users from performing any activity in RIMS. The Task tool is strictly for Market Number Administrators to keep track of their activities, if desired.
To utilize the Task List:
On the Orders Maintenance Screen:
1. Locate the order you want to see the task list for in the Order List using the Order ID and Order name.
2. Click the View Tasks link.
3. Tasks that have Checked Date and Checked by information have been completed.
When reviewing, editing, or creating an order:
1. The View Tasks button will appear on every screen associated with an order. To view the task list click the button and a pop up window will display the task list.
Note : Tasks are not tied to RIMS processing in any way. Users may accidently mark a task as completed when it really isn't, or forget to mark a task as completed that really is. The Task List is a tool meant to help manage the process; it is not intended to be a confirmation of RIMS activities.
To mark a task as complete on the Task List:
1. Click the Checkbox to the left of the task to mark it as complete. The Checked Date and Checked By fields will be automatically populated with the date and time the box was checked and the user ID of the person who checked the box.
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- Uploading Task Lists -
This function allows you to upload Task Lists per Market and per Order Type. You may upload the same task list for one to many Markets and/or one to many Order Types.
To upload a Task List:
1. Open the Upload Task List screen by clicking Port PS RIMS -->Market Number Administration -->Orders from the home screen and then pointing to Market Number Administration --> Upload Task List , or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Upload Tasks List from anywhere within RIMS.
2. Select the Market(s) associated to the Task List you want to upload in the Select Market field.
- To select multiple Markets for the Task List, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting. All highlighted Markets will be associated to the uploaded Task List.
3. Select the Order Type(s) associated to the Task List you want to upload in the Order Type field.
- To select multiple Order Types for the Task List, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting. All highlighted Order Types will be associated to the uploaded Task List.
4. Click Browse in the upload file field to find the Task List file you want to upload.
5. Click Upload Task to upload the Task List and associate it to the selected Market(s) and Order Type(s).
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- Export Order Information to a File -
Order information may be extracted from RIMS when the order is in any status.
Note : Order information should not be confused with Block or Code information. Exporting Order information does not change the characteristics or the status of the order in any way.
To export order information to a file:
1. Open the Orders Maintenance screen to see the Order List.
2. Select the type of orders to export using the Filter Results options. You may use any combination of filters to obtain the list of orders you want to export. The available filtering options are listed below.
Order Type | To export only orders with a specific Order Type, use the Order Type filter. |
Order Status | To export only orders with a specific Status, use the Order Status filter. |
Market | To export only orders with a specific Market, use the Market filter. |
Rate Center | To export only orders with a specific Rate Center, use the Rate Center filter. |
State | To export only orders with a specific State or States, use the State filter. |
Created By | To export only orders created by a specific User ID, use the Created By filter. |
3. Click Download Orders at the bottom of the screen to initiate the export.
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- Cancel an Order -
Only orders that are in status of Working , meaning they have not yet been submitted to PAS, or in a status of Error , meaning they were submitted to PAS but failed PAS validations, may be cancelled.
To cancel an order:
1. Locate the order in the order List using the Order ID and Order name . Use the status filter to find orders in a Working or an Error status quickly. Click the Order Name link to open the order.
2. At the bottom of the screen, click the Cancel Order button.
- For Orders in a status of Working, the Cancel Order button is only available from the MTE2 screen. Click the MTE2 link at the top of the screen to jump to that page, or click Continue at the bottom of the screen until you reach that screen.
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- Create New Order -
There are several functions that can be performed in RIMS to manage number inventory. These functions are referred to as "Orders" in RIMS, as they involve making an "order" out to the Pooling Administration to complete. The Create New Order function can be found under the Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator menu on the home screen. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Request a New Block
Request a New Code
Modify a Block
Disconnect a Block
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- Request a New Block -
Ordering a new block from the Pooling Administration has five (5) steps. All 5 steps must be completed for a new block to be acquired.
Step 1: Create a Block Order Request
Step 2: Create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report
Step 3: Generate the Part 1
Step 4: Enter the Part 3
Step 5: Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications
Reduce the Number of Blocks in a Block Order
Copy an Existing Block Order
Request State Waiver for Block
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- Create a Block Order Request -
You must enter a forecast amount for the month in order to create a block request order.
Note: You cannot save your order and come back to it later until you reach the final MTE screen before submitting to the Pooling Administration. Once you begin entering data to order a block, you must continue until the final MTE screen in order to save your work. Please make sure you have enough time to complete your order before beginning the process.
To create a Block Order request:
1. Open the Create New Order screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator --> Create New Order from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Create New Order from within RIMS.
2. Select the Order Type using the Order Type dropdown arrow and select New Block Request . Click Create to open the New Block Request screen.
3. Select a Market from the list of available markets using the dropdown list.
4. Select a State from the list of available states using the dropdown list.
- The state list contains only those states specific to the selected Market.
5. Select a Rate Center from the list of available rate centers using the dropdown arrow.
- The rate center list contains only those rate centers specific to the selected market (set up by your RIMS Administrator) or the selected state.
6. Select an NPA from the list of available NPAs using the dropdown arrow.
- The NPA list contains only those NPAs specific to the selected rate center.
7. Select an OCN from the list of available OCNs using the dropdown arrow.
- The OCN list contains only those OCNs specific to the Service Provider.*
- *When the Service Provider has provided Neustar with a Market to OCN mapping, the OCN list contains only those OCNs specific to the selected Market.
8. The system automatically determines whether this is an Initial or Growth order.
Initial block Order | The block request is for a rate center for which the service provider has never requested a block before.
Growth Block Order | The block request is for a rate center where the service provider already has active blocks.
9. In the # of Pool Blocks Requested field, select the number of blocks desired from the dropdown list.
- 1 – 25 blocks may be selected per order.
If the number of pool blocks requested is not appropriate to the amount of blocks forecasted in the forecast report, later, when RIMS is finding available blocks an error message will be presented. RIMS takes into account any orders that have been requested this month for a specific OCN, Rate Center and NPA, not just the order you are putting in now. The following situations will cause a forecast error:
You did not enter a forecast for the selected OCN, Rate Center, and NPA for the month you are trying to order blocks in. To fix this issue, enter a forecast for the OCN, Rate Center, and NPA - You requested more blocks this month for a specific OCN, Rate Center, and NPA than have been forecasted for the month (including previous orders this month). To fix this issue, reduce the number of blocks requested in the order or increase the forecast amount for this OCN, Rate Center, and NPA.
10. Specify whether RIMS should Ignore Validations.
- Note : Neustar does not advise submitting an order without performing validations. Performing validations minimizes errors when submitting to PAS.
11. Click Find Available Blocks to see a list of available blocks in the Rate Center selected. Note : If you attempt to create an order for a Rate Center where the pooling forecast is in a status of Error, an error message is displayed on the first page of the Order and you will not be allowed to proceed. To create your order, you must fix and resubmit the pooling forecast.
- If the Available Blocks Table appears the Rate Center you are requesting resources for is NOT in need of pool replenishment. Proceed to Step 12 (Available Blocks Table ) for further instruction.
If the Pool Status Table
appears, the Rate Center you are requesting resources for is in need of pool replenishment. You will be given the following options, of which you must choose one and click GO
- Create a Split Request: Allows you to obtain a portion of the blocks in your request from the existing pool and a portion of them from a new code for pool replenishment. Proceed to Create a Split Request for further instructions.
- Create a Full NXX for Pool Replenishment Only
: Allows you to open a new code for pool replenishment and receive all blocks from the new code.
- If you chose this option, the Request Blocks from a New Code
box will appear. Select the box or boxes next to the blocks you wish to retain from the new code. Then click Next
and proceed to Step 13 of Create a Code Order Request, The Code Request Details
screen, for further instructions.
- Note: The number of blocks retained from the new code must equal the total number of pool blocks requested.
- If you chose this option, the Request Blocks from a New Code
box will appear. Select the box or boxes next to the blocks you wish to retain from the new code. Then click Next
and proceed to Step 13 of Create a Code Order Request, The Code Request Details
screen, for further instructions.
- Create a New Block Request Only : Allows you to request available blocks from the existing pool only. Proceed to Step 12 (Available Blocks Table ) for further instruction.
12. The Available Blocks Table displays the number of blocks available for the Rate Center and the following information about the blocks (NPA-NXX-X) that are available for the rate center:
Contaminated | A Yes or No value describing whether the block has an active TN in it.
Ported TNs | Displays the number of active TNs in the block. This number is presented as a link when there are contaminated TNs. Click this link to see a list of the contaminated TNs and their associated SPIDs. Note : Pending Ports are not included in the Contaminated TN list. |
My Ported TNs | Displays the number of active TNs in the block that belong to the your organization. |
Code Owner | A Yes or No value describing whether the your organization is the owner of the Code to which the block belongs.
Code Owner Name | The name of the Service Provider who owns the code. |
Preferred | A checkbox where you mark a specific block as a preferred choice when the Pooling Administrator assigns the block. |
Not Preferred | A checkbox where you mark a specific block as a non-preferred choice when the Pooling Administrator assigns the block. |
Available | The date the block is available for use. |
12. In the Available Blocks table, specify whether a block is Preferred or Not Preferred:
Preferred | Check the Preferred checkbox in the row of the NPA-NXX-X (block) to mark the specific block as one you would like to have. |
Not Preferred | Check the Not Preferred checkbox in the row of the NPA-NXX-X (block) to mark the specific block as one you would not like to have. |
Note : You do not have to check a box next to each block.
13. Click Next to enter the Block Request Details for the order.
14. If this is the your initial order in the specified rate center a warning message will be displayed to which you must click OK to move to the next page. The warning message states the following:
- "Reminder - you are creating an Initial order for this rate center. Do NOT forget to submit your initial order paperwork to the Pooling Administration."
15. The Block Request Details screen for a new block displays the information you have already entered about this order including a system generated name assigned by RIMS. This name is made of the market ID, NPA, rate center, and the date time stamp.
16. The following fields are defaulted for you. You may change them if you wish.
- Service Provider Type: This field displays the type of Service Provider you are (wireless, wireline, etc.)
- Block Service Type: This field displays the type of service that will be used on the blocks requested.
- Parent Company OCN: This field displays the OCN for the parent company.
17. Determine whether the new block order requires expedited treatment.
To request expedited treatment | Select Yes in the Request Expedited Treatment field. Note : Expedited treatment means you may select a block effective date that is less than the usual required 31 days (but more than 15 days). See the Effective Date step for specific rules related to setting the effective date. |
To not request expedited treatment | Leave No selected in the Request Expedited Treatment field. |
18. Optionally enter the Rate Center Sub Zone by clicking in the field and typing in the value. The "Sub Zone" is short for Suburban Zone. It is a unit that has been established to further define large exchange areas. Suburban Zones apply to large metropolitan areas and may include only the area around a city or the city and its surrounding area. The exchange area must be large enough to warrant a subdivision of two or more suburban zones.
19. Optionally enter the City or Wire Center Name by clicking in the field and typing in the value.
20. Click Continue to enter more block request details.
21. In the Block Details table, for each block, select the Effective Date for the block. The block Effective Date is automatically defaulted to a date 31 days from the day the order is created. If you are expediting the order, the block Effective Date may be set with the following rules:
- For the first 8 days, count business days (today does not count as a business day). Then count 7 calendar days. After the 7 calendar days the day may be set, but not the last day of the 7 days.
! Important !: If the Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is checked, the block Effective Date must be exactly 31 days from the day the order is submitted to PAS.
To accept the defaulted block Effective Date | Make no changes to the Effective Date field. |
To change the Effective Date | For each block, put your curser in the Effective Date field and edit the date or click on the calendar icon and select the desired date using the arrow buttons to change the months.
To auto-populate all blocks with the same value as the first | RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same Effective Date as the first block in the list.
22. In the Block Details table, select a SPID from the dropdown list of available SPIDs.
RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same SPID as the first block in the list.
Select a SPID for the first block in the list (Block # 1). - Click the checkbox next to the SPID field. The SPID entered in Block # 1 is auto-populated on every block in the list.
23. In the Block Details table, select a LATA from the dropdown list of available LATAs.
RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same LATA as the first block in the list.
Select a LATA for the first block in the list (Block # 1). - Click the checkbox next to the LATA field. The LATA entered in Block # 1 is auto-populated on every block in the list.
24. In the Block Details table, select a Switch ID from the dropdown list of available Switch IDs set up for the selected LATA.
RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same Switch ID as the first block in the list.
Select a Switch ID for the first block in the list (Block # 1). - Click the checkbox next to the Switch ID field. The Switch ID entered in Block # 1 is auto-populated on every block in the list.
In the Block Details table, select an LRN from the dropdown list of available LRNs set up for the selected Switch ID.
RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same LRN as the first block in the list.
Select an LRN for the first block in the list (Block # 1). - Click the checkbox next to the LRN field. The LRN entered in Block # 1 is auto-populated on every block in the list.
25. In the Block Details table, indicate whether the block should be activated in the NPAC using the NPAC Activate checkbox.
To Activate the Block in the NPAC | Select the NPAC Activate checkbox. Do this if the Service Provider does not own the code for the block requested. |
To Not Activate the Block in the NPAC | Leave the NPAC Activate checkbox as deselected. Do this if the Service Provider owns the code for the block requested. |
RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same NPAC Activate
value as the first block in the list if desired.
Mark the NPAC Activate checkbox for the first block in the list (Block # 1) as desired. - Click the checkbox next to the NPAC Activate field. The NPAC Activate value entered in Block # 1 is auto-populated on every block in the list.
26. If you choose to activate a block in the NPAC (NPAC Activate checked), you may opt to enter values for the following:
27. If the block you are ordering is for a code that is not yet effective, specify whether you would like to order the block anyway. This information is passed to PAS. The Red Block Accept indicator is automatically marked as checked if you checked a Red Block as "Preferred" in the available blocks table or if only Red Blocks are available in the Rate Center at the time of the order.
To order the block from a Code that is not effective | Select the Red Block Accepted Indicator. |
To not order the block from a Code that is not effective | Leave the Red Block Accepted Indicator as deselected. |
If a Red Block is marked as a Preferred Block in the Block Request Details screen | The Red Block Accepted Indicator will be automatically populated |
If a Red Block is required to fill and order | The Red Block Accepted Indicator will be automatically populated |
28. The Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is automatically defaulted to checked.
To accept the earliest date available | Leave the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator as checked. |
To request the exact date or later | Deselect the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator. |
29. The list of preferred blocks and non-preferred blocks selected earlier on the New Blocks Request screen are displayed on the Block Request Details screen in the fields titled Preferred Blocks and Non-Preferred Blocks . To change these lists put your curser in the field and delete a block or type in a new value.
- Enter blocks in the format of NPA-NXX-X where the NPA, NXX, and X are all numeric characters.
- Separate multiple blocks with commas.
30. Optionally enter additional remarks you want sent to PAS with the order in the Remarks field.
31. Click Continue to begin entering the Month to Exhaust information for the Block order.
Back to Top Back to Block/Code Administration Back to Request a New Block
- Create a Split Order Request -
A Split Order Request can only be performed when the Rate Center you are requesting blocks from is in need of pool replenishment. This feature allows you to obtain a portion of the blocks in your block request from the existing pool and a portion of them from a new code for pool replenishment.
NOTE: Once you begin a Split Order Request , you must take blocks from the existing pool and the new code. Submitting a Split Order Request creates two (2) orders in PAS and RIMS. One for the new Block request and one for the new Code request.
To create a split order request:
1. After proceeding from the Pool Status Table the following two new sections will open below your existing Pre-order Information:
- Request Blocks from the Existing Pool
- Request Blocks from a New Code
2. Enter the number of Blocks you want to request from the existing pool.
3. Evaluate the Available Blocks Table to determine the block(s) that best meet your need, noting the contamination of the block(s) and the available date.
4. If desired, specify a block or blocks as Preferred or Not Preferred by clicking the check boxes. Your may click as many blocks as meet your needs.
5. Select the specific block(s) to be retained from the new Code by click the box next to the block(s) you wish to retain.
- Note: The number of blocks selected from the available pool plus the number of blocks retained from the new Code must equal the total number of pool blocks requested
6. Click Next to proceed to the Order Information screen.
7. The Service Provider Type , the Block Service Type , and the Parent Company OCN are all defaulted for you.
8. Specify if you need Expedited Treatment for the Block or Code order.
- Use the Request Expedited Treatment - Block
field for the new Block Order part of the split order.
- Note: Expedited treatment means you may select a block effective date that is less than the usual required 31 days (but more than 15 days).
- Use the Request Expedited Treatment - Code
field for the new Code Order par of the split order.
- If you select Yes , you must enter a reason for expediting.
- Note: Expedited treatment means you may select a code effective date that is less than the usual required 66 days (but more than 30 days).
9. Optionally, specify the Rate Center Subzone (Suburban Zone).
10. Optionally specify the City or Wire Center Name .
11. Click Continue to enter the block and code request details screen.
- There will be two sections, the Block Request, Block Information section and the Code Request, Block Information section.
12. In the Block Request, Block Information section, the Effective Date is automatically defaulted to a date 31 days from the day the order is created. Your may change the date to a date further in the future.
13. Select the desired SPID
14. The LATA value is defaulted
15. Select the desired Switch
16. Select the desired LRN
17. Select the NPAC Activate checkbox if you want to activate that block in the NPAC. If Yes , optionally enter DPC Codes: Class LIDB, CNAM, and WSMSC
18. the Red Block Accepted Indicator is defaulted to checked if a Red Block is necessary to complete the order of if you checked a Red Block as preferred in the Available Blocks Table .
19. The Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is defaulted to checked to request the earliest available effective block for the blocks requested. If you do not want the earliest date available, uncheck the box. If the Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is checked, the block Effective Date must be exactly 31 days from the day the order is submitted to PAS.
20. You may edit the Preferred and Not Preferred blocks by typing directly in each of those fields respectively.
21. Your may enter a remark about this request in the Remarks section that will be sent to Pooling.
22. In the Code Request, Block Information section, the Effective Date is automatically defaulted to a date 66 days from the day the order is created. You may change this date to a date further in the future.
23. Select the desired LATA
24. Select the desired Switch
25. Enter the Homing Tandem Operating Company
26. Enter the Homing Tandem CLLI
27. Enter the Code Effective Date
- Note: The Code Effective Date is automatically defaulted to 66 days from the date the order is created.
28. The Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is automatically checked. If you do not want the earliest date available, uncheck this box.
29. Optionally enter a list of preferred codes in the Code Assignment Preference field
30. Optionally enter a list of non-preferred codes, if any, in the Codes that are undesirable, if any field.
31. you may enter a remark about this request, that will be sent to Pooling, in the Remarks section.
32. Click Continue
- Note: After completing the block details for the Block and Code Requests, you must complete the MTE and generate the Part 1 as you would for any block request order. Jump to Create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report for a Block Order for further instructions.
When you generate the Part 1 for a Split Order, you are creating two (2) order in PAS and RIMS. A New Block Request Order
and a New Code Request Order.
- Both orders are automatically submitted sequentially when you click Generate Part 1 . The first order must be accepted in PAS before the second is sent.
- The Order Name for each order in RIMS will contain the letters "SPLIT" to indicate that the order is part of a Split Order.
- Both orders will automatically contain a reference to the Order Number of the other order in the RIMS Only Comment field in the MTE section of the orders.
- The second order sent also contains the PAS Tracking Number of the 1st order in the Remarks field.
- The MTE of the second order sent (the Code order) is automatically altered before submission to incorporate the Block order portion of the Split request. The following fields are increased by the number of blocks in the Block order * 1000.
- A. Available numbers
- C. Total Numbering Resources
- D. Numbers activated in the past 90 days, excluded from utilization
- Create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report for a Block Order -
The Month To Exhaust (MTE) and Utilization Report that is submitted to the Pooling Administration is almost completely auto-populated by RIMS using the Block Utilization Report that is periodically FTP'd and stored in RIMS and the information entered for the Forecast report. You may edit the auto-generated values of the MTE report before sending it to the Pooling Administration.
The values entered in this section of the Block Order create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report that is sent directly to the Pooling Administration.
Note : Initial block order requests with only 1 block requested are not required to complete an MTE report. For those requests, see Generate the Part 1.
To view or edit the MTE report:
1. In the Month to Exhaust and Utilization section of the Edit Order screen, RIMS uses the stored snapshot of the Block Utilization Report for the month and information from PAS to calculate and display values for the following.
List all Codes and Blocks | A count and list of all the codes the Service Provider owns and a count and list of all the Blocks a Service Provider owns in the rate center.
Available Numbers | A count of the number of TNs not in use within the blocks the Service Provider owns in the rate center. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
Assigned Numbers | A count of the number of TNs that are in use within the blocks the Service Provider owns in the rate center. This value comes from the Block Utilization reports and is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
Total Numbering Resources | The total number of TNs (both available and assigned) within the Blocks the Service Provider owns in the rate center. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
2. Enter the number of TNs activated in the last 90 days that were excluded from the utilization calculation in the Quantity of numbers activated in the last 90 days and excluded from utilization calculation field. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
- Do not leave this field blank. It must contain a value.
- The value in this field cannot exceed the total number resources entered in theTotal Numbering Resources field.
3. Optionally enter Excluded Codes or blocks by putting the curser in the field and typing in the values. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
4. Note the Utilization Percentage calculation. If it is not at least 75%, you will not be allowed to order blocks for this Rate Center.
5.Click Continue to enter growth and forecast information for the MTE.
6. The Growth History- Last 6 months table contains one value each for months 1 – 6. These values are obtained from the Block Utilization reports that are FTP'd to RIMS periodically. RIMS stores a snapshot of the last reported utilization values in the month and saves them for use in the MTE reports. The values for each month represent the difference/growth in the number of assigned TNs from the previous month. The Month 1 field contains the growth value for the most distant historical month and the Month 6 field contains the growth value for the current month.
- If desired, update the Growth History- Last 6 months values by putting your curser in the field at any month and updating the value.
- Do not leave any month blank. They must all contain a value.
Note : A 0 is pre-populated in the Month 6 field temporarily when the following is true:
- It is the first time Utilization is being provided for the month for this rate center (i.e. it is the first day of the month)
- The Utilization files have not yet been received for the day (i.e. Utilization files are normally sent at noon, but you are creating the order at 9am)
A message is displayed on the screen informing the user of this temporary state. Creating the order later in the day (after new utilization files are sent) will eliminate this issue.
7. Choose the method you will populate the Forecast - Next 12 months table by selecting a value for Forecast Based on :
- Current : RIMS takes the block forecast you enter and uses those values (multiplied by 1000) as the forecast values for each month.
- Utilization : RIMS takes the utilization growth values used last year for the same month and uses those values for the 12 month forecast.
- Trending : RIMS takes the average growth of the past 6 month utilization and fills them into each of the 12 months.
8. The Forecast – Next 12 months table contains one value each for months 1 – 12. The value equals the number of TNs the Service Provider forecasts will be used in that month for the rate center. These values are obtained from the Forecast Report(s) that is entered into RIMS.
- If desired, update the Forecast – Next 12 months values by putting your curser in the field at any month and updating the value. These values are not fed back to the forecast. They are used only for this MTE report.
- Do not leave any month blank. They must all contain a value.
9. If you choose to forecast based on Utilization or Trending (not Current), you may enter a value in the Calculate Growth Factor Percentage field if desired. The value you put in this field will be applied as a percentage calculation to the forecast amounts in the 12 month fields.
- Do not put a percentage value in this field (i.e. 10%). Put a flat value that will be applied as a percentage (i.e. -10, or 5). For example, if your forecast for each month is 1000, putting a -10 in the Calculate Growth Factor Percentage field will drop the values down to 900. If the Calculate Growth Factor Percentage field is 10, the forecast values will be recalculated to equal 1100.
10. If you entered a Calculate Growth Factor Percentage, click the Calculate and Update Forecast button to apply the growth factor percentage amount entered to the forecasted amounts. You will see the values in the 12 month forecasts update as per the growth factor.
11. Click the Calculate Months to Exhaust button to see if your forecast supports the block request. The Months to Exhaust table appears and calculates the MTE for each requested block.
- If your block request will exhaust within 6 months, you may continue with your order as planned.
- If your block request does not exhaust within 6 months, you must perform one of the following:
- Update your Forecast: Scroll up to the Forecast table and update the forecast.
- Cancel the order: Click the Cancel Order button at the bottom of the screen to cancel the order.
- Reduce the Blocks in the order: To proceed on the basis of the existing MTE, you may reduce the number of blocks in your request. Go to Reduce Number of Blocks in a Block Order for steps.
- Request over-contaminated block(s) . Select Over-Contaminated Blocks . Over-contaminated blocks are more than 10% contaminated and are exempt from the MTE and utilization requirements.
- Request a state waiver . Go to Request and Submit a State Waiver for a Block Order.
- Submit a state waiver that you have received . Go to Request and Submit a State Waiver for a Block Order.
12. Optionally enter an Explanation in free text form. This information is passed to the pooling administration with the Part 1.
13. Specify whether RIMS should Ignore Validations
Validate | Leave the Ignore Validations checkbox unchecked if RIMS should perform validations on this block order to minimize errors upon submission to PAS. |
Do not Validate | Check the Ignore Validations checkbox if RIMS should not perform validations on this block order to minimize errors upon submission to PAS. Note : Neustar does not advise submitting an order without performing validations. |
14. At any time, click Save to save the order without submitting. The order is saved in progress and you may return at any time to complete it. The order is saved with a status of Working .
15. At any time, click View Tasks to view the task list for the order.
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- Generate the Part 1 (A and B) for a Block Order -
Important! While RIMS allows you to generate a Part 1 at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before the Part 1 is generated. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
You may generate the Part 1 form after completing the block order screens and the MTE report (if required). From within the order, clicking Generate Part 1 starts the RIMS validation process on the order information unless you chose to ignore validations. You will be notified of any RIMS validation errors immediately. If no RIMS errors are encountered, the Status of the order is updated to Sent to Pooling .
RIMS allows you to create an order in RIMS while a pooling forecast for the same rate center is pending acceptance with the Pooling Administration. RIMS holds the order until the pooling forecast is accepted. As soon as the forecast is accepted, RIMS automatically submits the order. In order to keep you informed of potential forecast issues, the RIMS does the following:
- RIMS notifies you when you click the Generate Part 1 button if a pooling forecast is still pending (i.e. not yet accepted) when you submit the order to Pooling.
- If the pending forecast is ultimately returned in error from the Pooling Administration rather than accepted, RIMS changes the status of the order to Error . By changing the status to Error, RIMS is alerting you to an issue. Once the Forecast is fixed and resubmitted, the order may be resubmitted by clicking Generate Part 1 again.
When the order has been validated in PAS, PAS returns either an error or a tracking number to RIMS. When an error is received, you will also receive an email from PAS. Note : The response from PAS is not immediate.
- Error : There was an error on the Part 1 submission that needs to be fixed. The status of the order is automatically updated to Error. Fix the error and generate the part 1 again.
- Tracking Number: The Part 1 submission was accepted without error. A PAS Tracking number was sent back and is associated with the order in RIMS. The Tracking Number can be found in the Order list in the last column titled Tracking Number.
Go to RIMS Validation Errors Help for a list of validation errors and steps you can take to resolve the issue. If no RIMS validation errors are encountered, the order information is sent directly to the Pooling Administration in the form of a Part 1A and Part 1B (one Part 1B is generated for every block ordered). The Order can no longer be modified.
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- Enter the Part 3 for a Block Order-
When the Part 3 email is received from the Pooling Administration, RIMS automatically populates the block information into the Part 3 table for the order.
To see the Part 3 information:
1. Locate the order in the Order List using the Order ID and Order Name . Click the Part 3 link to open the Manage Part 3 for Order screen.You may also click the Block link in the Order List table to view the Part 3's entered for an order (you may not edit the Part 3s when viewing the Part 3 from the Block link.). Note : The Order Name on the part 3 record is displayed as a link. Clicking this link takes you directly into the order associated with this part 3.
The Manage Part 3 for Order screen contains a table containing the following pieces of information:
Status | States whether the block was accepted, denied, or withdrawn at the Pooling Administration.
NPA-NXX-X | The NPA-NXX-X that was assigned by the Pooling Administration. |
Effective Date | The effective date of the block as per the Pooling Administration. |
Received Date | The date and time the Part 3 email was received into RIMS. |
You may edit the NPA-NXX-X and the Effective Date elements of the Part 3 information. If any of the Part 3 is edited, you must wait one day after editing before marking the order as Ready for Staging. The one day wait time allows RIMS to be updated with the latest information from PAS so it can validate the Part 3 information you entered.
To edit the Part 3 information:
1. For each block in the order that you want to edit, enter the NPA-NXX-X. Do not enter dashes between the NPA, NXX, and X. RIMS enters the dashes for you. The NPA-NXX-X must belong to the Service Provider OCN as per PAS or an error message is displayed. If the error message is displayed, enter the correct NPA-NXX-X and click Save again.
2. For every effective date you want to edit, put your curser in the Effective Date field and edit the date or click on the calendar icon and select the desired date using the arrow buttons to change the months.
3. Click Save to save the Part 3 information in RIMS. At this point, your order is ready to be reviewed by a Central Number Administrator. To indicate this readiness, the order must be flagged with a status of Ready for Staging .
To mark an order as Ready for Staging:
Important : While RIMS allows you to mark an order as Ready for Staging at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before marking the order this way. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
Note : you must wait one day after editing a part 3 before marking the order as Ready for Staging. The one day wait time allows RIMS to be updated with the latest information from PAS so it can validate the Part 3 information you entered.
1. Locate the Order in the order list using the Order ID and the Order Name . Click on the Order Name link. The View Order screen is opened with the submitted order information as read only. You may also open the order by clicking on the Order Name link in the title of the Part 3.
2. At the bottom of the screen, click Ready for Staging to change the status of the order to Ready for Staging. A Ready for Staging status indicates to the Central Number Administrator that the order information is ready to be uploaded into downstream billing/provisioning systems. The Ready for Staging button will only appear once all of the blocks in a Part 3 have a final status (approved, denied, or withdrawn). If at least one block has been approved the Ready for Staging Button will appear.
3. If the all of the blocks in the order were returned with a status of "Denied" and/or "Withdrawn", the Close Order button will appear at the bottom of the MTE2 screen to change the status of the order to Completed as there are no further actions to be taken in RIMS. (Note: The Close Order button will not appear until all of the blocks in the Part 3 have received a status.)
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- Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications -
A file containing all the information about the new blocks assigned by the Pooling Administrator can be downloaded from RIMS. This file can then be uploaded into your downstream billing/provisioning applications. To create an upload file, you must be logged into RIMS as a Central Number Administrator. Contact the Central Number Administrator or obtain a Central Number Administrator login ID from the administrator for your organization to perform this function.
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- Reduce the Number of Blocks in a Block Order -
After calculating the Months to Exhaust on the MTE2 screen, you may encounter a situation where your months to exhaust calculation does not support the number of blocks you have ordered. To proceed on the basis of your existing MTE, you may reduce the number of blocks in your current order request. If your months to exhaust calculation supports the number of blocks in your order, you do not have the option of reducing the number of blocks in your current order request.
To reduce the number of blocks:
1. On the MTE 2 screen, Click the Reduce Blocks Requested button. You will be taken to the Block Details screen you already completed, now titled Choose Blocks to Keep.
2. Using the Blocks to Keep column, select (check) the Blocks you want to keep in the order. Blocks not selected (checked) will be discarded from the order. Note : You may not select more blocks than are supported in your MTE.
3. Click Continue . This takes you to the MTE1 screen which you have already completed.
4. Click Continue . This takes you to the MTE2 screen which you have already completed.
5. Click Calculate the Months to Exhaust to adjust the MTE calculations if desired.
6. Continue with your order by entering an explanation or comment if desired and Generating the Part 1.
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- Copy an Existing Block Order -
To submit an order that is exactly the same as an existing order (with the exception of the number of blocks) use the copy function.
1. Find the order that you wish to copy on the Orders Maintenance screen and click the Copy link in the Action column. The Copy link will only appear on orders that have received a tracking number from Pooling.
When the block order is selected all of the pre-order information except for the # of Pool Blocks Requested will be populated and cannot be edited.
2. Select the # of Pool Blocks Requested and proceed through the steps as usual by clicking Find Available Blocks . (See Create a Block Order Request)
3. Populate any necessary order information.
If any of the information from the original order is invalid with the new order, no information will be populated on any of the order screens. However, if it is not invalid it will appear. The number of blocks that are selected will determine what blocks get copied from the original order. If the original order is for 5 blocks and the copied order is for 2 blocks, the first 2 blocks from the original order will be requested. This means that the Block Request Details will be the same, including SPID, LATA, Switch ID, LRN, Class DPC, LIDB DPC, CNAM DPC, and WSMSC DPC. These fields will only be editable if the copied order is for more blocks than the original order and only the additional blocks will be editable. If additional blocks are ordered (original order of 5 blocks and copied order of 6 blocks) the additional blocks will be blank on the Block Request Details screens.
The available blocks for a Rate Center may change between when an original order was placed and when the copied order is placed. If pool replenishment is needed the following will apply based on what is selected:
- Create a Split Request – The blocks from the existing pool will have the Block Request Details populated from the original order
- Create a Full NSS for Pool Replenishment Only – No Block Request Details will be copied from the original order, but will need to be filled out
- Create a New Block Request – The Block Request Details will be copied from the original order
4. Click Save or Generate Part 1 to save or submit the copied order on the MTE2 screen.
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- Request and Submit State Waiver for Block Order -
After calculating the Months to Exhaust on the MTE2 screen, you may encounter a situation where your months to exhaust (MTE) calculation does not support the number of blocks you have ordered or your current utilization is below 75%. To proceed on the basis of your existing MTE, you may request and submit a state waiver. (If you have already received your state waiver skip to step 8.)
1. Ceate a block order and on the MTE2 screen click Calculate Month to Exhaust. (When your utilization is below 75% or MTE is greater than 6 months.)
2. Select Need to request a State Waiver.
3. Enter remarks. (Optional)
4. Click Generate Part 1 to submit the request for a state waiver.
5. The status of the order will be updated on the Orders Maintenance screen.
6. Pooling will automatically generate a denied Part 3. The Part 3 can be used to submit the state waiver. Submission of the state waiver takes place outside of RIMS.
7. On the Orders Maintenance screen, select the Order Name and navigate to the MTE2 screen and click Close Order to close the order. (Optional)
Once the documentation approving the state waiver has been completed (outside of RIMS), the order must be resubmitted to Pooling. A new order must be created in RIMS to resubmit.
8. Copy the original order using the Copy link in the Action column on the Orders Maintenance screen. The number of blocks requested must be provided. (See Copy an Existing Block Order)
9. On the MTE2 screen click Calculate Month to Exhaust.
10. Select Received a State Waiver on the MTE2 screen.
11. Click Upload to upload your state waiver files. (Optional, state waiver documentation can be submitted manually as well. The order may be submitted with no attachments.)
12. Repeat Step 10 until all necessary documentation is uploaded.
13. Enter remarks. (Optional)
14. Click Generate Part 1 to submit the request for a state waiver.
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- Request a New Code-
Ordering a new code from the Pooling Administration has five (5) steps. All 5 steps must be completed for a new code to be acquired. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Step 1: Create a Code Order Request
Step 2: Create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report
Step 3: Generate the Part 1
Step 4: Enter the Part 3
Step 5: Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications
Reduce the Number of Blocks in a Code Order
Copy an Existing Code Order
Request a State Waiver for a Code Order
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- Create a Code Order Request -
You must enter a forecast amount for the month in order to create a Code Request order.
Note: You cannot save your order and come back to it later until right before submitting to the Pooling Administration. Once you begin entering data to order a code, you must continue until the end in order to save your work. Please make sure you have enough time to complete your order before beginning the process.
To create a Code Order request:
1. Open the Create New Order screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator --> Create New Order from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Create New Order from within RIMS.
2. Select the order type using the Order Type dropdown arrow and select New Code Request . Click Create to open the New Code Request screen.
3. Select a Market from the list of available markets using the dropdown list.
4. Select a State from the list of available states using the dropdown list.
- The state list contains only those states specific to the selected market.
5. Select a Rate Center from the list of available rate centers using the dropdown arrow.
- The rate center list contains only those rate centers specific to the selected market (set up by your RIMS Administrator) or the selected State.
6. Select an NPA from the list of available NPAs using the dropdown arrow.
- The NPA list contains only those NPAs specific to the selected rate center.
7. Select an OCN from the list of available OCNs using the dropdown arrow.
- The OCN list contains only those OCNs specific to the Service Provider.*
- *When the Service Provider has provided Neustar with a Market to OCN mapping, the OCN list contains only those OCNs specific to the selected Market.
8. The system automatically determines whether this is an Initial or Growth order.
Initial Code Order | The code request is for a rate center for which the service provider has never requested a code or block before.
Growth Code Order | The code request is for a rate center where the service provider already has active blocks.
9. Select the Type of Application for the code request using the drop down field. There are three (3) reasons for a code request.
Full NXX for dedicated customer | A new code is required due to a large customer needing a majority of the 10,000 TNs.
Full NXX for pool replenishment | Current codes in the rate center are reaching exhaust and a new code is required to ensure resource availability.
Full NXX for LRN | A new code is required because the Service Provider wants to set up a new LRN. An LRN must be a number within a code owned by the Service Provider.
10. Specify whether RIMS should Ignore Validations.
Note : Neustar does not advise submitting an order without performing validations. Performing validations minimizes errors when submitting to PAS.
11. Click Continue to enter the Code Request Details for the order.
- If the number of pool blocks retained is not appropriate to the amount of blocks forecasted in the forecast report, the system will present an error. The system takes into account any orders that have been requested this month for a specific OCN, Rate Center and NPA, not just the order you are putting in now. The following situations will cause a forecast error:
- You did not enter a forecast for the selected OCN, Rate Center, and NPA for the month you are trying to order blocks in. To fix this issue, enter a forecast for the OCN, Rate Center, and NPA.
- You requested more blocks this month for a specific OCN, Rate Center, and NPA than have been forecasted for the month (including previous orders this month). To fix this issue, reduce the number of blocks requested in the order or increase the forecast amount for this OCN, Rate Center, and NPA.
- If you attempted to create an order for a Rate Center where the pooling forecast is in a status of Error, an error message is displayed on the first page of the Order and you will not be allowed to proceed. To create your order, you must fix and resubmit the pooling forecast.
12. If this is the your initial order in the specified rate center a warning message will be displayed to which you must click OK to move to the next page. The warning message states the following:
- "Reminder - you are creating an Initial order for this rate center. Do NOT forget to submit your initial order paperwork to the Pooling Administration."
13. The Code Request Details screen for a new code displays the information you have already entered about this order including a system generated name assigned by RIMS. This name is made of the market ID, NPA, rate center, and the date time stamp.
14. The following fields are defaulted for you. You may change them if you wish.
- Service Provider Type: This field displays the type of Service Provider you are (wireless, wireline, etc.)
- Block Service Type: This field displays the type of service that will be used on the blocks requested.
- Parent Company OCN: This field displays the OCN for the parent company.
15. Determine whether the new code order requires expedited treatment.
To request expedited treatment | Select Yes in the Request Expedited Treatment field. Note : Expedited treatment means you may select a code effective date that is less than the usual required 66 days (but more than 30 days).
To not request expedited treatment | Leave No selected in the Request Expedited Treatment field. |
16. Optionally enter the Rate Center Sub Zone by clicking in the field and typing in the value. The "Sub Zone" is short for Suburban Zone. It is a unit that has been established to further define large exchange areas. Suburban Zones apply to large metropolitan areas and may include only the area around a city or the city and its surrounding area. The exchange area must be large enough to warrant a subdivision of two or more suburban zones.
17. Optionally enter the City or Wire Center Name by clicking in the field and typing in the value.
18. Click Continue to enter more code request details.
19. In the Code Information table, for each block you previously marked to retain (a Full NXX for Dedicated Customer application type will have a line for all 10 blocks), enter the Effective Date for the block.
The block Effective Date is automatically defaulted to a date 66 days from the day the order is created.
To accept the defaulted block Effective Date | Make no changes to the Effective Date field. |
To change the Effective Date | For each block, put your curser in the Effective Date field and edit the date or click on the calendar icon and select the desired date using the arrow buttons to change the months.
To auto-populate all blocks with the same value as the first | RIMS allows you to quickly populate all the Blocks in the Block Details table with the same Effective Date as the first block in the list.
20. Select a LATA from the dropdown list of available LATAs.
21. Select a Switch ID from the dropdown list of available Switch IDs set up for the selected LATA.
22. Optionally enter a Homing Tandem Operating Company . A Homing Tandem Operating Company is the Service Provider that owns the Tandem.
- Enter no more than 11 characters in this field.
23. Enter a Homing Tandem CLLI by typing the value in the field. A Homing Tandem CLLI is the ID of the tandem switch.
- This field must contain 11 characters.
24. Enter the Code Effective Date for the Code by entering a date in the Code Effective Date field. The Code Effective Date defaults to 66 days from the day the order is entered.
- Enter the date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy
25. The Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is automatically defaulted to checked.
To accept the earliest date available | Leave the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator as checked. |
To request the exact date or later | Deselect the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator. |
26. Enter a list of preferred codes by putting your curser in the Code Assignment Preference field and typing in the NPA-NXX.
- Enter preferred codes in the format of NPA-NXX where the NPA and NXX are numeric characters.
- Separate multiple codes with commas.
27. Enter a list of non-preferred codes by putting your curser in the Codes that are undesirable, if any: field and typing in the NPA-NXX.
- Enter non-preferred codes in the format of NPA-NXX where the NPA and NXX are numeric characters.
- Separate multiple codes with commas.
28. Optionally enter additional remarks you want sent to PAS with the order in the Remarks field.
29. If this is an initial order with only 1 block requested, specify whether RIMS should Ignore Validations.
Note : Neustar does not advise submitting an order without performing validations.
30. Click Continue to begin entering the Month to Exhaust number information for the Code order.
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- Create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report -
The Month To Exhaust (MTE) and Utilization Report that is submitted to the Pooling Administration is almost completely auto-populated by RIMS using the Block Utilization Report that is periodically FTP'd and stored in RIMS and the information entered for the Forecast report. You may edit the auto-generated values of the MTE report before sending it to the Pooling Administration.
The values entered in this section of the Code Order create the Month to Exhaust and Utilization Report that is sent directly to the Pooling Administration.
Note : Initial code order requests with only 1 block requested are not required to complete an MTE report. For those requests, see Generate the Part 1.
To view or edit the MTE report:
1. In the Month to Exhaust and Utilization section of the Edit Order screen, RIMS uses the stored snapshot of the Block Utilization Report for the month and information from PAS to calculate and display values for the following.
List all Codes and Blocks | A count and list of all the codes the Service Provider owns and a count and list of all the Blocks a Service Provider owns in the rate center.
Available Numbers | A count of the number of TNs not in use within the blocks the Service Provider owns in the rate center. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
Assigned Numbers | A count of the number of TNs that are in use within the blocks the Service Provider owns in the rate center. This value comes from the Block Utilization reports and is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
Total Numbering Resources | The total number of TNs (both available and assigned) within the Blocks the Service Provider owns in the rate center. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
2. Enter the number of TNs activated in the last 90 days that were excluded from the utilization calculation in the Quantity of numbers activated in the last 90 days and excluded from Utilization calculation field. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
- Do not leave this field blank. It must contain a value.
- The value in this field cannot exceed the total number resources entered in theTotal Numbering Resources field.
3. Optionally enter Excluded Codes or blocks by putting the curser in the field and typing in the values. This value is passed to the Pooling Administration with Part 1 submission.
4.Click Continue to enter growth and forecast information for the MTE.
5. The Growth History- Last 6 months table contains one value each for months 1 – 6. These values are obtained from the Block Utilization reports that are FTP'd to RIMS periodically. RIMS stores a snapshot of the last reported utilization values in the month and saves them for use in the MTE reports. The values for each month represent the difference/growth in the number of assigned TNs from the previous month. The Month 1 field contains the growth value for the most distant historical month and the Month 6 field contains the growth value for the current month.
- If desired, update the Growth History- Last 6 months values by putting your curser in the field at any month and updating the value.
- Do not leave any month blank. They must all contain a value.
Note : A 0 is pre-populated in the Month 6 field temporarily when the following is true:
- It is the first time Utilization is being provided for the month for this rate center (i.e. it is the first day of the month)
- The Utilization files have not yet been received for the day (i.e. Utilization files are normally sent at noon, but you are creating the order at 9am)
A message is displayed on the screen informing the user of this temporary state. Creating the order later in the day (after new utilization files are sent) will eliminate this issue.
6. Choose the method you will populate the Forecast - Next 12 months table by selecting a value for Forecast Based on :
- Current : RIMS takes the block forecast you enter and uses those values (multiplied by 1000) as the forecast values for each month.
- Utilization : RIMS takes the utilization growth values used last year for the same month and uses those values for the 12 month forecast.
- Trending : RIMS takes the average growth of the past 6 month utilization and fills them into each of the 12 months.
7. The Forecast – Next 12 months table contains one value each for months 1 – 12. The value equals the number of TNs the Service Provider forecasts will be used in that month for the rate center. These values are obtained from the Forecast Report(s) that is entered into RIMS.
- If desired, update the Forecast – Next 12 months values by putting your curser in the field at any month and updating the value. These values are not fed back to the forecast. They are used only for this MTE report.
- Do not leave any month blank. They must all contain a value.
8. If you chose to forecast based on Utilization or Trending (not Current), you may enter a value in the Calculate Growth Factor Percentage field if desired. The value you put in this field will be applied as a percentage calculation to the forecast amounts in the 12 month fields.
- Do not put a percentage value in this field (i.e. 10%). Put a flat value that will be applied as a percentage(i.e. -10, or 5). For example, if your forecast for each month is 1000, putting a -10 in the Calculate Growth Factor Percentage field will drop the values down to 900. If the Calculate Growth Factor Percentage field is 10, the forecast values will be recalculated to equal 1100.
9. If you entered a Calculate Growth Factor Percentage, click the Calculate and Update Forecast button to apply the growth factor percentage amount entered to the forecasted amounts. You will see the values in the 12 month forecasts update as per the growth factor.
11. Click the Calculate Months to Exhaust button to see if your forecast supports the code request. The Months to Exhaust table appears and calculates the MTE for each requested block.
- If your code request will exhaust within 6 months, you may continue with your order as planned.
- If your code request does not exhaust within 6 months, you must perform one of the following:
- Update your Forecast: Scroll up to the Forecast table and update the forecast.
- Cancel the order: Click the Cancel Order button at the bottom of the screen to cancel the order.
- Reduce the Blocks in the order: To proceed on the basis of the existing MTE, you may reduce the number of blocks in your request. Go to Reduce the Number of Blocks in a Code Order for steps.
- Request a state waiver. Go to Request and Submit a State Waiver for a Code Order.
- Submit a state waiver that you have received . Go to Request and Submit a State Waiver for a Code Order.
10. Optionally enter an Explanation in free text form. This information is passed to the pooling administration with the Part 1.
11. Specify whether RIMS should Ignore Validations.
Validate | Leave the Ignore Validations checkbox unchecked if RIMS should perform validations on this block order to minimize errors upon submission to PAS. |
Do not Validate | Check the Ignore Validations checkbox if RIMS should not perform validations on this block order to minimize errors upon submission to PAS. Note : Neustar does not advise submitting an order without performing validations. |
12. At any time, click Save to save the order without submitting. The order is saved in progress and you may return at any time to complete it. The order is saved with a status of Working .
13. At any time, click View Tasks to view the task list for the order.
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- Generate the Part 1 (A and B) for a Code Request -
Important! While RIMS allows you to generate a Part 1 at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before the Part 1 is generated. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
You may generate the Part 1 form after completing the Code Order screens and the MTE report (if required). From within the order, clicking Generate Part 1 starts the RIMS validation process on the order information unless you chose to ignore validations. You will be notified of any RIMS validation errors immediately. If no RIMS errors are encountered, the Status of the order is updated to Sent to Pooling . In order to keep you informed of potential forecast issues, the RIMS does the following:
- RIMS notifies you when you click the Generate Part 1 button if a pooling forecast is still pending (i.e. not yet accepted) when you submit the order to Pooling.
- If the pending forecast is ultimately returned in error from the Pooling Administration rather than accepted, RIMS changes the status of the order to Error . By changing the status to Error, RIMS is alerting you to an issue. Once the Forecast is fixed and resubmitted, the order may be resubmitted by clicking Generate Part 1 again.
When the order has been validated in PAS, PAS returns either an error or a tracking number to RIMS. When an error is received, you will also receive an email from PAS. Note : The response from PAS is not immediate.
- Error : There was an error on the Part 1 submission that needs to be fixed. The status of the order is automatically updated to Error. Fix the error and generate the part 1 again.
- Tracking Number: The Part 1 submission was accepted without error. A PAS Tracking number was sent back and is associated with the order in RIMS. The Tracking Number can be found in the Order list in the last column titled Tracking Number.
Go to RIMS Validation Errors Help for a list of validation errors and steps you can take to resolve the issue. If no RIMS validation errors are encountered, the order information is sent directly to the Pooling Administration in the form of a Part 1A and Part 1B (one Part 1B is generated for every block ordered). The Order can no longer be modified.
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- Enter the Part 3 for a Code Request -
When the Part 3 email is received from the Pooling Administration, RIMS automatically populates the block information into the Part 3 table for the order.
To see the Part 3 information:
1. Locate the order in the Order List using the Order ID and Order Name. Click the Part 3 link to open the Manage Part 3 for Order screen. You may also click the Block link in the Order List table to view the Part 3's entered for an order (you may not edit the Part 3s when viewing the Part 3 from the Block link).
The Manage Part 3 for Order screen contains a table containing the following pieces of information:
Status | States whether the block was accepted, denied, or withdrawn at the Pooling Administration.
NPA-NXX-X | The NPA-NXX-X that was assigned by the Pooling Administration. |
Effective Date | The effective date of the block as per the Pooling Administration. |
Received Date | The date and time the Part 3 email was received into RIMS. |
You may edit the NPA-NXX-X and the Effective Date elements of the Part 3 information. If any of the Part 3 is edited, you must wait one day after editing before marking the order as Ready for Staging. The one day wait time allows RIMS to be updated with the latest information from PAS so it can validate the Part 3 information you entered.
To edit the Part 3 information:
1. For each block in the order that you want to edit, enter the NPA-NXX-X . Do not enter dashes between the NPA, NXX, and X. RIMS enters the dashes for you. The NPA-NXX-X must belong to the Service Provider OCN as per PAS or an error message is displayed. If the error message is displayed, enter the correct NPA-NXX-X and click Save again.
2. For every effective date you want to edit, put your curser in the Effective Date field and edit the date or click on the calendar icon and select the desired date using the arrow buttons to change the months.
3. Click Save to save the Part 3 information in RIMS. At this point, your order is ready to be reviewed by a Central Number Administrator. To indicate this readiness, the order must be flagged with a status of Ready for Staging .
To mark an order as Ready for Staging:
Important : While RIMS allows you to mark an order as Ready for Staging at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before marking the order this way. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
Note : You must wait one day after editing the part 3 before marking the order as Ready for Staging. The one day wait time allows RIMS to be updated with the latest information from PAS so it can validate the Part 3 information you entered.
1. Locate the Order in the order list using the Order ID and the Order Name . Click on the Order Name link. The View Order screen is opened with the submitted order information as read only.
2. At the bottom of the screen, click Ready for Staging to change the status of the order to Ready for Staging. A Ready for Staging status indicates to the Central Number Administrator that the order information is ready to be uploaded into downstream billing/provisioning systems. The Ready for Staging button will only appear once all of the blocks in a Part 3 have a final status (approved, denied, or withdrawn). If at least one block has been approved the Ready for Staging Button will appear.
3. If the all of the blocks in the order were returned with a status of "Denied" and/or "Withdrawn", the Close Order button will appear at the bottom of the MTE2 screen to change the status of the order to Completed as there are no further actions to be taken in RIMS. (Note: The Close Order button will not appear until all of the blocks in the Part 3 have received a status.)
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- Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications -
A file containing all the information about the new blocks assigned by the Pooling Administrator can be downloaded from RIMS. This file can then be uploaded into your downstream billing/provisioning applications. To create an upload file, you must be logged into RIMS as a Central Number Administrator. Contact the Central Number Administrator or obtain a Central Number Administrator login ID from the administrator for your organization to perform this function.
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- Reduce the Number of Blocks in a Code Order -
After calculating the Months to Exhaust on the MTE2 screen, you may encounter a situation where your months to exhaust calculation does not support the number of blocks you have ordered. To proceed on the basis of your existing MTE, you may reduce the number of blocks in your current order request. If your months to exhaust calculation supports the number of blocks in your order, you do not have the option of reducing the number of blocks in your current order request.
To reduce the number of blocks:
1. On the MTE 2 screen, Click the Reduce Blocks Requested button. You will be taken to the Block Details screen you already completed, now titled Choose Blocks to Keep.
2. Using the Blocks to Keep column, select (check) the Blocks you want to keep in the order. Blocks not selected (checked) will be discarded from the order. Note : You may not select more blocks than are supported in your MTE.
3. Click Continue . This takes you to the MTE1 screen which you have already completed.
4. Click Continue . This takes you to the MTE2 screen which you have already completed.
5. Click Calculate the Months to Exhaust to adjust the MTE calculations if desired.
6. Continue with your order by entering an explanation or comment if desired and Generating the Part 1.
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- Copy an Existing Code Order -
To submit an order that is exactly the same as an existing order (with the exception of the type of application and the blocks to be retained) use the copy function
1. Find the order that you wish to copy on the Orders Maintenance screen and click theCopy link in the Action column. The Copy link will only appear on orders that have received a tracking number from Pooling.
When the code order is selected all of the pre-order information except for the Type of Application and Blocks to be Retained will be populated and cannot be edited.
2. Select the Type of Application and the Blocks to be Retained and proceed through the steps as usual by clicking Continue. (See Create a New Code Order Request.)
3. Populate and necessary order information.
If any of the information from the original order is invalid with the new order, no information will be populated on any of the order screens. However, if it is not invalid it will appear.
4. Click Save or Generate Part 1 to save or submit the copied order on the MTE2 screen.
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- Request and Submit a State Waiver for Code Order -
After calculating the Months to Exhaust on the MTE2 screen, you may encounter a situation where your months to exhaust (MTE) calculation does not support the number of blocks you have ordered or your current utilization is below 75%. To proceed on the basis of your existing MTE, you may request and submit a state waiver. (If you have already received your state waiver skip to step 8.)
1. Create a block order and on the MTE2 screen click Calculate Month to Exhaust . (When your utilization is below 75% or MTE is greater than 6 months.)
2. Select Need to request a State Waiver .
3. Enter remarks. (Optional)
4. Click Generate Part 1 to submit the request for a state waiver.
5. The status of the order will be updated on the Orders Maintenance screen.
6. Pooling will automatically generate a denied Part 3. The Part 3 can be used to submit the state waiver. Submission of the state waiver takes place outside of RIMS.
7. On the Orders Maintenance screen, select the Order Name and navigate to the MTE2 screen and click Close Order to close the order. (Optional)
Once the documentation approving the state waiver has been completed (outside of RIMS), the order must be resubmitted to Pooling. A new order must be created in RIMS to resubmit.
8. Copy the original order using the Copy link in the Action column on the Orders Maintenance screen. The number of blocks requested must be provided. (See )
9. On the MTE2 screen click Calculate Month to Exhaust .
10. Select Received a State Waiver on the MTE2 screen.
11. Click Upload to upload your state waiver files. (Optional, state waiver documentation can be submitted manually as well. The order may be submitted with no attachments.)
12. Repeat Step 10 until all necessary documentation is uploaded.
13. Enter remarks. (Optional)
14. Click Generate Part 1 to submit the request for a state waiver.
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- Modify a Block -
Modifying a block has four (4) steps. All 4 steps must be completed for a block to be modified. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Step 1: Create a Modify Block Order
Step 2: Generate the Part 1
Step 3: Enter the Part 3
Step 4: Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications
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- Create a Modify Block Order -
To create a Modify Block order:
1. Open the Create New Order screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator --> Create New Order from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Create New Order from within RIMS.
2. Select the order type using the Order Type dropdown arrow and select Modify Block . Click Create to open the Modify Block screen.
3. Select a Market from the list of available markets using the dropdown list.
4. Select a State from the list of available states using the dropdown list.
- The state list contains only those states specific to the selected market (set up by your RIMS Administrator)
5. Select a Rate Center from the list of available rate centers using the dropdown arrow.
- The rate center list contains only those rate centers specific to the selected market (set up by your RIMS Administrator).
6. A table containing the assigned/retained blocks for the rate center is displayed. The table contains the following information about the blocks:
NPA-NXX-X | Contains the block number. |
Action | Contains a Modify link that, when clicked, allows you to modify certain elements of the block. |
OCN | The operating company number for the block. |
Contaminated | An indicator telling whether the block is contaminated.
Ported TNs | The number of TNs within the block that are ported. |
Utilized TNs | The number of TNs within the block that have been utilized. |
SPID | The Service Provider ID for the block. |
LRN | The LRN for the block when assigned. |
PAS Status | The status of the block in PAS.
Effective Date | The date the block became effective. |
7. Locate the block to be modified and click the Modify link in the Action column.
8. The Modify Block: screen for a specific block defaults the following information about the block: Order Name, Order Type, Market, Rate Center, Number Group, OCN, SPID, LRN, Switch, and Effective Date. The following information about the block may be modified:
OCN | To update the OCN , click the Change link next to the OCN field and select a new OCN from the drop down list. |
SPID | To update the SPID , click the Change link next to the SPID field and select a new SPID from the drop down list. |
LRN | To update the LRN , click the Change link next to the LRN field and select a new LRN from the drop down box. |
Switch | To update the Switch , click the Change link next to the Switch field and select a new Switch from the drop down box. |
9. Determine whether the modify block order requires expedited treatment.
To request expedited treatment | Select Yes in the Request Expedited Treatment field. Note : Expedited treatment means you may select a block effective date that is less than the usual required 31 days (but more than 15 days). |
To not request expedited treatment | Leave No selected in the Request Expedited Treatment field. |
10. Update the Order Effective Date by entering an updated value in the field or clicking the calendar icon and selecting an effective date.
- The date must be entered as mm/dd/yyyy.
- The entered date must be at least 31 days from today's date.
- ! Important !: If the Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is checked, the Effective Date must be exactly 31 days from the day the order is submitted to PAS.
11. The Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is automatically defaulted to checked.
To accept the earliest date available | Leave the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator as checked. |
To request the exact date or later | Deselect the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator. |
12. Enter remarks in the Remarks field by typing in the box. Remarks are passed to PAS.
13. At any time, click Save to save the order without submitting. The order is saved in progress and you may return at any time to complete it. The order is saved with a status of Working .
14. At any time, click View Tasks to view the task list for the order.
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- Generate the Part 1 for the Modify Block Order -
You may generate the Part 1 form after entering the modify block order (you do not have to save the order first). Clicking Generate Part 1: Starts the RIMS validation process on the order information. You will be notified of any RIMS validation errors immediately. If no RIMS validation errors are encountered, the order information is sent directly to the Pooling Administration in the form of a Part 1A and Part 1B and the order can no longer be modified.
Important : While RIMS allows you to generate a Part 1 at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before the Part 1 is generated. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
To generate the part 1:
1. Open a saved Modify block order by locating the Order in the Order List using the Order ID and Order name . Click the Order Name link to open the order.
2. At the bottom of the Modify Block: screen, click Generate Part 1 . If no RIMS validations errors occur, you see a message indicating that changes have been saved and the Status of the order is updated to Sent to Pooling.
3. When the order has been validated in PAS, PAS returns either an error or a tracking number to RIMS. When an error is received, you will also receive an email from PAS. Note : The response from PAS is not immediate.
- Error : There was an error on the Part 1 submission that needs to be fixed. The status of the order is automatically updated to Error. Fix the error and generate the part 1 again.
- Tracking Number: The Part 1 submission was accepted without error. A PAS Tracking number was sent back and is associated with the order in RIMS. The Tracking Number can be found in the Order list in the last column titled Tracking Number.
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- Enter the Part 3 for a Modify Block Request -
When the Part 3 email is received from the Pooling Administration, RIMS automatically populates the block information into the Part 3 table for the order.
To see the Part 3 information:
1. Locate the order in the Order List using the Order ID and Order Name . Click the Part 3 link to open the Manage Part 3 for Order screen.
The Manage Part 3 for Order screen contains a table containing the following pieces of information:
Status | States whether the block was accepted, denied, or withdrawn at the Pooling Administration.
NPA-NXX-X | The NPA-NXX-X that was assigned by the Pooling Administration. |
Effective Date | The effective date of the block as per the Pooling Administration. |
Received Date | The date and time the Part 3 email was received into RIMS. |
You may edit the NPA-NXX-X and the Effective Date elements of the Part 3 information. If any of the Part 3 is edited, you must wait one day after editing before marking the order as Ready for Staging. The one day wait time allows RIMS to be updated with the latest information from PAS so it can validate the Part 3 information you entered.
To edit the Part 3 information:
1. For each block in the order that you want to edit, enter the NPA-NXX-X . Do not enter dashes between the NPA, NXX, and X. RIMS enters the dashes for you. The NPA-NXX-X must belong to the Service Provider OCN as per PAS or an error message is displayed. If the error message is displayed, enter the correct NPA-NXX-X and click Save again.
2. For every effective date you want to edit, put your curser in the Effective Date field and edit the date or click on the calendar icon and select the desired date using the arrow buttons to change the months.
3. Click Save to save the Part 3 information in RIMS. At this point, your order is ready to be reviewed by a Central Number Administrator. To indicate this readiness, the order must be flagged with a status of Ready for Staging .
To mark an order as Ready for Staging:
Important : While RIMS allows you to mark an order as Ready for Staging at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before marking the order this way. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
Note : You must wait one day after editing the part 3 before marking the order as Ready for Staging. The one day wait time allows RIMS to be updated with the latest information from PAS so it can validate the Part 3 information you entered.
1. Locate the Order in the order list using the Order ID and the Order Name . Click on the Order Name link. The View Order screen is opened with the submitted order information as read only.
2. At the bottom of the screen, click Ready for Staging to change the status of the order to Ready for Staging. A Ready for Staging status indicates to the Central Number Administrator that the order information is ready to be uploaded into downstream billing/provisioning systems.
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- Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications -
A file containing all the information about the modified blocks can be downloaded from RIMS. This file can then be uploaded into your downstream billing/provisioning applications. To create an upload file, you must be logged into RIMS as a Central Number Administrator. Contact the Central Number Administrator or obtain a Central Number Administrator login ID from the administrator for your organization to perform this function.
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- Disconnect a Block -
Disconnecting, or returning a block back to the Pooling Administration has four (4) steps. All 4 steps must be completed for a block to be disconnected. Submitting a block disconnect requires both Market and Central Number Administrators. Block Disconnects are done for blocks where the Service Provider is not the codeowner for the block and where the Service Provider is the code owner for the block. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Step 1: Create a Block Disconnect Order
Step 2: Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications
Step 3: Mark a Block as Ready to be Returned to the Market
Step 4: Generate the Part 1
Step 5: Review the Part 3 and Complete the Order
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- Create a Block Disconnect Order -
To create a block disconnect order:
1. Open the Create New Order screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator --> Create New Order from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> Create New Order from within RIMS.
2. Select the order type using the Order Type dropdown arrow and select Disconnect Block . Click Create to open the Disconnect Block screen.
3.Select a Market from the list of available markets using the dropdown list.
4. Optionally select a State from the list of available states using the dropdown list.
- The state list contains only those states specific to the selected market (set up by your RIMS Administrator)
5. Select a Rate Center from the list of available rate centers using the dropdown arrow.
- The rate center list contains only those rate centers specific to the selected market (set up by your RIMS Administrator).
6. A table containing the assigned/retained blocks for the rate center is displayed. The table contains the following information about the blocks:
NPA-NXX-X | Contains the block number. |
Action | Contains a Disconnect link that, when clicked, allows you to view certain elements of the block. |
OCN | The operating company number for the block. |
Contaminated | An indicator telling whether the block is contaminated.
Intra-Ported TNs | The number of TNs ported to your organization on that block |
Inter-Ported TNs | The number of TNs ported outside of your organization on that block |
Utilized TNs | The number of TNs within the block that have been utilized. |
SPID | The Service Provider ID for the block. |
LRN | The LRN for the block when assigned. |
PAS Status | The status of the block in PAS.
Effective Date | The date the block became effective. |
7. Locate the block to be disconnected and click the Disconnect link in the Action column.
8. The Disconnect Block Details screen for a specific block displays the following information about the block: Order Name, Order Type, NPA-NXX-X, a contaminated indicator (Y, if the block is contaminated, N if the block is not contaminated), the number of TNs that are contaminated, and the LATA.
9. If the block is a non-pooled block, answer the Is Block Portable? question. You must answer "yes" to the question in order to submit the order to the pooling administration.
10. The Earliest Effective Date Requested checkbox is automatically defaulted to checked.
To accept the earliest date available | Leave the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator as checked. |
To request the exact date or later | Deselect the Earliest Effective Date Requested indicator. |
11. Optionally enter Remarks in free text form. This information is passed to the pooling administration with the Part 1.
12. Click Save to save the order without submitting. The order is saved in progress and you may return at any time to complete it. The order is saved with a status of Working .
13. At any time, click View Tasks to view the task list for the order.
At this point, your order is ready to be reviewed by a Central Number Administrator. To indicate this readiness, the order must be flagged with a status of Ready for Staging .
Important : While RIMS allows you to mark an order as Ready for Staging at this point, your company's processes may require additional tasks be performed outside of RIMS before marking the order this way. Task lists can facilitate the management of these processes.
To mark an order as Ready for Staging:
1. Locate the Order in the order list using the Order ID and the Order Name. Click on the Order Name link. The View Order screen is opened.
2. At the bottom of the screen, click Ready for Staging to change the status of the order to Ready for Staging. A Ready for Staging status indicates to the Central Number Administrator that the order disconnect is ready for review and approval. If your organization does not use the role of Central Number Administrator then the order will be automatically moved to a status of Packaged and you can proceed to Step 4: Generate the Part 1.
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- Create a File to Upload into Downstream Applications -
A file containing all the information about the disconnected blocks can be downloaded from RIMS. This file can then be uploaded into your downstream billing/provisioning applications. To create an upload file, you must be logged into RIMS as a Central Number Administrator. Contact the Central Number Administrator or obtain a Central Number Administrator login ID from the administrator for your organization to perform this function.
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- Mark a Block as Ready to be Returned to the Market -
To confirm a block is ready to be returned to the Market, you must be logged into RIMS as a Central Number Administrator. Contact the Central Number Administrator or obtain a Central Number Administrator login ID from the administrator for your organization to perform this function.
The Central Number Administrator will ensure that all SP ports have been completed for the disconnected block and ensure that no further assignments can be made from that block before confirming within RIMS that the block is ready to be returned to the Market.
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- Generate the Part 1 for a Block Disconnect -
You may generate the Part 1 form after the Central Number Administrator has confirmed the block is ready to be returned to the market.
1. Filter the order list by status using the Filter Results, Order Status field. Select a status of Return to Market .
2. Locate the order using the Order Name and Order ID. Open the order by clicking on the Order Name .
3. Click Send to Pooling to send the disconnect block order to PAS. The order status will change to Sent to Pooling.
4. The order will remain in a status of Sent to Pooling until either, a tracking number or an error is received from PAS. Note : The response from PAS is not immediate.
- Error : There was an error on the Part 1 submission that needs to be fixed. The status of the order is automatically updated to Error. Fix the error and generate the part 1 again.
- Tracking Number: The Part 1 submission was accepted without error. A PAS Tracking number was sent back and is associated with the order in RIMS. The Tracking Number can be found in the Order list in the last column titled Tracking Number.
- Review the Part 3 and Complete the Order -
Each disconnect order receives a Part 3 back from Pooling.
Review the Part 3:
1. Determine if a Part 3 as been received for an order by looking at the Part 3 Received column on the orders maintenance screen. The column will indicate "Yes" if any part 3 has been received for the order, not necessarily all Part 3s
2. Open the Part 3 from the Order List screen by clicking the Yes link in the Part 3 Received column for the order.
3. Review the Part 3 information.
4. Click Cancel to go back to the Orders Maintenance screen.
Note: You may also see the value of the earliest Part 3 effective date received for an order in the Part 3 Effective Date column on the Orders Maintenance screen.
Complete the Order:
For Disconnect orders that have successfully received an Approved Part 3, the Order will automatically be set to a status of Completed . No further action is necessary to complete the order although the Market Administrator is advised to View Tasks to ensure all necessary steps have been completed for this order.
If an approved Part 3 has not been received for this order, and you would like to Close out the order, follow the steps below.
1. Locate the order on the Orders Maintenance screen
2. Review the Task List for the order to ensure that you have completed all necessary steps for this order. (Click the View link in the Tasks column on the Orders Maintenance screen or click the View Tasks button after completing step 3 below to view the tasks and/or mark them as completed.)
3. Click the Order ID or Name to view the order.
4. Click Completed . The status of the order is automatically updated to Completed.
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- View/Submit a Part 4 -
RIMS provides the ability to automatically send a Part 4, for any block that has been ordered through RIMS, to the Pooling Administration when that block is used. You may also download a list of Orders in the various statuses of Part 4 submission.
To send a Part 4:
1. Open the View/Submit a Part 4 screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator--> View/Submit a Part 4 from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> View/Submit a Part 4 from within RIMS.
2. Select a Market from the list of available markets using the dropdown list. A block table is displayed listing all the blocks that have been ordered through RIMS.
3. Select a Part 4 Status to filter the list from the list of available Statuses using the dropdown arrow.
All | To display all blocks in the Market selected, select All . |
Pending | To display all blocks in the Market selected with a status of Pending, select Pending . Pending means a Part 4 has not yet been submitted for the block. |
Submitted | To display all blocks in the Market selected with a status of Submitted, select Submitted . Submitted means a part 4 has been submitted for the block. |
Error | To display all blocks in the Market selected with a status of Error, select Error . Error means the Part 4 was submitted but has resulted in an Error. |
Completed | To display all blocks in the Market selected with a status of Completed, select Completed . Completed means a Part 4 has been submitted and accepted for the blocks. |
4. Select a Date to filter from the list of Dates using the dropdown arrow.
- The Date filter is Optional for Non-Completed part 4 statuses. (Pending, Error, In Process, Overdue, Submitted, All Non-Completed Statuses)
- The Date filter is Required for Completed part 4 statues. (All Statues, Completed, Closed, Returned)
5. Optionally select an Order Created By filter from the list of user IDs using the dropdown arrow. The Order Created By filter shows only Part 4s where the associated order was created by the selected user ID.
6. Click Show Part 4s to initiate the filters and display the Block Part 4 table.
7. The block table is displayed listing all the blocks as per the status filter selected. The table displays the following elements:
NPA-NXX-X | Contains the NPA-NXX-X for each block requiring a Part 4. When the NPA-NXX-X is displayed in Red, the part 4 due date has passed. |
Market | Contains the Market for the NPA-NXX-X. |
Block Effective Date | Contains the Effective Date of the NPA-NXX-X as entered into RIMS. |
Part 4 Due Date | Contains a date, 6 months from the effective date of the NPA-NXX-X, indicating when the Part 4 is due. |
TN Utilization | Contains the number of utilized TNs, excluding port-outs for that block |
Inter-SPID Port-outs | Contains the number of TNs that have been ported out of your organization for that block. |
State | The State the market belongs to. |
Rate Center | The Rate Center of the NPA-NXX-X. |
Status | Contains the Status of the Part 4. |
In Service Date | Contains the date the first TN in the block was assigned to a subscriber. |
Send to PAS | Contains a link called Send Part4 . Clicking the Send Part4 link initiates the send to PAS. Note : The Send Part4 link is only available when the Block Effective Date has passed. Otherwise, this field will be blank. |
8. Choose the NPA-NXX-X that requires the Part 4 and click the Send Part4 link. An Update Part 4 pop up window opens.
- Blocks that are 6 months past the PAS Effective Date are displayed in Red font and may not be sent to PAS from RIMS.
Important : Submitting a Part 4 for a Dedicated Customer Request is not currently supported in RIMS. These must be submitted directly through PAS. Use the manual status update process in RIMS to keep PAS and RIMS Part 4 entries in sync. (see Note below)
Note : If you wish to manually submit the Part 4 information to the Pooling Administration you can select the Pending link instead of the Send Part4 link, and follow the steps below. No forms will be submitted to the Pooling Administration via RIMS so they will need to be manually submitted outside of RIMS.
9. Enter the In Service Date by typing in the field or clicking on the calendar icon and selecting a date.
- Enter the date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.
- The In Service Date cannot be in the future.
10. Click Save Changes to submit the Part 4.
To download a list of orders for Part 4 submission:
1. Open the View/Submit a Part 4 screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator-->View/Submit a Part 4 from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> View/Submit a Part 4 from within RIMS.
2. Select a Market from the list of available markets using the dropdown list. A block table is displayed listing all the blocks that have been ordered through RIMS.
3. Select a Part 4 Status to filter the list from the list of available Statuses using the dropdown arrow.
4. Click Download to download the filtered list.
- Informational Reporting -
RIMS provides several reports that may be use to analyze the Orders entered via RIMS. The following Reports are available. Click a link to go directly to the help information for that topic.
Task Details Report |
Provides a download of the task list for all non-completed orders. |
Rate Center Order Count Report |
Provides counts by order Status for every Market and Rate Center within a specified date range. |
View Blocks |
Displays a list of your organization's blocks and their status in a given NPA and OCN. |
View Codes |
Displays a list of your organization's codes and their status in a given NPA and OCN. |
Block Utilization Exception Report |
Displays several tabs containing a list of the Blocks where your organization reported utilization, and indicates clear "over" or "Under" reporting circumstances or a missing reporting circumstance. |
- Task Details Report -
The Task Details Report provides a download of the task list for all non-completed orders. It includes the following information:
- Order ID, Name, and Status
- Task name
- Task completion status
- Who completed the task
- When the task was completed
To generate the Task Details Report:
1. Open the Tasks for Order screen by pointing to Port PS RIMS --> Reports--> Task Details Report from the home page or Reports--> Task Details Report from within RIMS.
2. Select a Market from the list of available Markets using the dropdown list.
3. Select a User ID from the list of available User IDs using the drop down list.
4. Click Download Task Report to generate the report.
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- Rate Center Order Count Report -
The Rate Center Order Count Report provides counts by order status for every Market and Rate Center within a specified date range. A total count of all orders for each Rate Center is also presented. The following statuses are reported:
- Cancelled
- Completed
- Denied
- Error
- Ready for Staging
- Sent to Pooling
To generate the Rate Center Order Count Report:
1. Open the Rate Center Order Count - Report screen by pointing to Port PS RIMS --> Reports--> Rate Center Order Count Report from the home page or Reports--> Rate Center Order Count Report from within RIMS.
2. Enter a date range for the report by entering a Start Date and an End Date . Either put your curser in the field to type in the date or select a date using the calendar icon.
- Enter the date as mm/dd/yyyy.
- The Start Date must be earlier than the End Date.
3. Click Download Order History Count Report to generate the report.
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- View Blocks -
Use the View Blocks function to see a list of your organization's blocks and their status in PAS.
To see a block list:
1. Open the Block Maintenance screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator -->View Blocks from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> View Blocks from within RIMS.
2. Select an NPA from the NPA dropdown list.
3. Select an OCN from the OCN drop down list. The following information about each block is displayed:
Block | The NPA-NXX-X (block). |
PAS Status | The status of the Block at the pooling administration. Possible statuses are:
NPA | The NPA of the Block |
OCN | The OCN for the Block |
Rate Center | The Rate Center where the OCN is located. |
State | The State the Rate Center is located. |
Effective Date | The Effective Date of the Block at the Pooling Administration (only active blocks are displayed). If the block has a status of Retained, the Effective Date is Not Applicable. |
4. To export the Block Availability list to a file, click the Export button at the bottom of the page.
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- View Codes -
Use the View Codes function to see a list of your organization's codes and their status in PAS.
To see a code list:
1. Open the Code Maintenance screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Market Number Administrator --> View Codes from the home screen, or pointing to Market Number Administration --> View Codes from within RIMS
2. Select an NPA from the NPA dropdown list.
3. Select an OCN from the OCN drop down list. The following information about each code is displayed:
Code | The NPA-NXX (code). |
OCN | The OCN of the Code. |
NPA | The NPA for the Code. |
Pooled Indicator | Indicates whether the Code is pooled or not pooled.
State | The State where the Rate Center is located. |
Rate Center | The Rate Center where the OCN is located. |
4. To export the Code List to a file, click the Export button at the bottom of the page.
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- Block Utilization Exception Report -
To bring attention to utilization data that may be incorrect, RIMS provides a Utilization Exception Report which identifies clear "under" or "over" reporting circumstances or missing utilization circumstances. Use this report to assess the accuracy of your reported Utilization data.
To run the Utilization Exception Report:
1. Open the Block Utilization Exception Report screen by clicking Port PS RIMS --> Reports --> Block Utilization Exception Report link from the home screen, or pointing to Reports --> Utilization Exception Report from within RIMS
2. On the Create Block Utilization Exception Report screen, enter a name for the Report.
3. Select one to many OCNs to include in the report
4. Determine whether you want to run the report immediately, or to schedule the report to run in the future or on a scheduled basis.
Note : If you choose to run the report now, you may not also schedule the report to run in the future on this screen. You may run the report now and once it is completed, schedule it for repeated runs in the future using Query Manager.
To run the report immediately | Click the Run Report Now radio button option. |
To schedule the report to run on a scheduled basis in the future | Leave the Schedule Report radio button clicked on. 1. In the When field, enter the date when you would first like the report to run. 2. Using the dropdown arrow next to the date entry field, select a time of date for the report to run. 3. Determine if you want the report to run repeatedly on a scheduled basis or only once.
4. Click Submit Report .
5. An email, with the report results attached, is sent to the submitter when the report has completed. Open the attachment to view the report, or go to Query Manager to view the results.
Analyzing the Report
The Block Utilization Exception Report has the following tabs:
- Block_Utilization_Exception
- Block_Utilization_Exception_U3
- Blocks Reported but not Owned
- Blocks Not Reported
- Non-Pooled Codes not reported
The Block Utilization Exception tab has the following columns, which is populated primarily by the data given to Neustar by the Service Provider, in daily Utilization files. This tab contains data specifically related to U1 reporting:
Note | A note at the top of the report indicates whether the SP running the report is including Ported out TNs in the number reported in the Assigned column.
OCN | The OCN. |
Rate Center | The Rate Center. |
State | The State. |
Block | The Block Number. |
Pooled? | A flag indicating whether the Block is Pooled or not Pooled:
Assigned | The number of TNs within the Block that were reported by the SP as Assigned. Important : This value may also contain Ported Out TNs depending on what is listed in the Note at the top of the report. |
Intermediate | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Intermediate. |
Reserved | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Reserved. |
Aging | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Aging. |
Admin | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Admin. |
Ported Out | The number of TNs within the Block that have been Ported Out to another SPID as per the NPAC at the time the SP Utilization file was received. |
% Not Available | The calcluated percentage of the Block that is not available, meaning any TN that is not eligible for assignment by the carrier based on its reported TN disposition. (Assigned, Intermediate, Reserved, Aging, Ported Out, Internally Assigned) |
Data Type | Contains a 1 indicating the data reported is for the U1 NRUF form. |
Notes/Assignee | Notes/Assignee data reported on the utilization form for the block |
Issue | An indicator of "over" or "under" reporting in a block or missing data based on the following business rules:
Important : A blank value in the Issue column does not mean there is no "over" or "under" reporting issues with the data. It means only that the reported utilization did not fall into the obvious case of "over" or "under" reporting as described in the business rules above. |
The Block Utilization Exception U3 tab has the following columns, which is populated primarily by the data given to Neustar by the Service Provider, in daily Utilization files. This tab contains data specifically related to U3 intermediate reporting:
Note | A note at the top of the report indicates whether the SP running the report is including Ported out TNs in the number reported in the Assigned column.
OCN | The OCN. |
Rate Center | The Rate Center. |
State | The State. |
Block | The Block Number. |
Pooled? | A flag indicating whether the Block is Pooled or not Pooled:
Assigned | The number of TNs within the Block that were reported by the SP as Assigned. Important : This value may also contain Ported Out TNs depending on what is listed in the Note at the top of the report. |
Intermediate | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Intermediate. |
Reserved | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Reserved. |
Aging | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Aging. |
Admin | The number of TNs within the Block reported by the SP as Admin. |
% Not Available | The calcluated percentage of the TNs Received that is not available, meaning any TN that is not eligible for assignment by the carrier based on its reported TN disposition. (Assigned, Intermediate, Reserved, Aging, Ported Out, Internally Assigned) |
Data Type | Contains a 3 indicating the data reported is for the U3 NRUF form. |
TNs Received | The number of TNs received from another Service Provider as reported by the Service Provider. |
Notes/Assignee | Notes/Assignee data reported on the utilization form for the block |
Issue | An indicator of incorrect or missing data based on the following business rules:
The Blocks Reported but Not Owned tab has the following columns. This tab contains a list of the Blocks reported to Neustar using the Utilization file process but are not actually owned by the service provider. This tab is only populated when this issue exists.
OCN | The OCN. |
Block | The Block |
Block Owner | The owner of the Block |
The Blocks Not Reported tab has the following columns. This tab contains a list of the Blocks owned by the Service Provider but not reported to Neustar using the Utilization File process. RIMS MTE and NRUF reporting cannot be accurate without the data associated to these blocks. Immediate action should be taken to resolve the missing reporting issues. This tab is only populated when this issue exists.
OCN | The OCN. |
Block | The Block |
The Non-Pooled Codes Not Reported tab has the following columns. This tab contains a list of the non-pooled codes owned by the Service Provider where blocks were not reported to Neustar using the Utilization file process. RIMS MTE and NRUF reporting cannot be accurate without the data associated to these blocks. Immediate action should be taken to resolve the missing reporting issues. This tab is only populated when this issue exists.
OCN | The OCN. |
Code | The Code |
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- Order Statuses -
Once an order has been saved in RIMS, it is assigned a status. As an order moves through the process of being submitted to PAS and approved, it's status changes. The following order statuses exist:
Working | The order has been saved in progress, but has not been submitted to pooling. Orders in this status can be edited. |
Sent to Pooling | The order has been submitted to pooling. Only the status value may be changed on an order in this status. |
Ready for Staging | The Part 3 has been received and the order is ready for review by the Central Number Administrator. Only the status value may be changed on an order in this status. |
Ready for Package | The order has been added to the group of orders that will be uploaded into the service provider's billing/provisioning system. Only the status value may be changed on an order in this status. |
Return to Market | The order has been protected against further assignment in the Service Provider's systems and is ready to be made available in PAS. (This status is only used for Disconnect Block orders) |
Packaged | The order has been exported to a file that will be uploaded into the service provider's billing/provisioning system. (This status is only used for Disconnect Block orders) |
Completed | The order has been exported to the file that will be uploaded into the service provider's billing/provisioning system. The order may be viewed, but cannot be edited once it reaches this status. |
Error | A submitted order received an error from PAS and needs to be fixed before it can be submitted again. Orders in this status can be edited. |